Bruce Campbell has added more fascinating chapters to his paperback reissue of Hail to the Chin: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor. Ahead of the book’s release on Sept. 17, we decided to compile a short list of what we can expect from this latest edition.
Bruce Campbell somehow managed to find time last year in between his European book tour, his convention appearances, his guest starring role on Lodge 49 and his Last Fan Standing trivia game show to write 50 new pages for the reissue of his 2017 New York Times bestselling autobiography, Hail to the Chin: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor. To the average person, this might seem like a tall order, however for Campbell its just what he does.
Hail to the Chin 2 is an engrossing read. Its one of those tomes that once you pick it up, you can’t put it down. The actor is a very engaging and conversational writer. A natural born storyteller, each chapter is written in such a way that you can actually hear his voice as he is recounting his experiences.
Ahead of his book’s release on Sept. 17, we decided to compile a list of 3 things that fans can expect from Requiem for Ash.
3 Things to Expect from Requiem for Ash
3. Brutal Honesty
With Bruce Campbell, there is no artifice or pretense. What you see is what you get so truth in advertising. He doesn’t hold back from his readers.
An integral part of his story is the time that he received a D.U.I. While some celebrity authors would have totally chosen to neglect telling that portion of their lives, Bruce is quite frank on that episode in his personal history.
It takes guts to talk about something that for all intent and purposes doesn’t paint him in a favorable light. After all, he is human like the rest of us and is capable of making mistakes or having lapses in judgment. We have all been there.
With the new chapters he has included we expect this level of honesty from him. He will probably give an in-depth explanation of why he chose to retire the iconic character of Ash Williams that will be insightful and give some closure to fans of the Evil Dead franchise.

2. Astute Observations
One of the reasons why Hail to the Chin 2 was a compelling read is because of Campbell’s knowledge of the entertainment industry and his perspective on how Hollywood operates. A chapter that was deeply interesting talked about all of the failed pilots that he participated in after Burn Notice went off the air.
Expect more of the same especially when it comes to 2018’s European Book Tour. He was keen to point out the differences between Amsterdam’s views on marijuana and the U.S. stance in the new Requiem for Ash section entitled, “Sex, Coffee, Pot.”
It will also be interesting to read his take on his ancestral home of Scotland in the addendum, “If Chins Could Kilt.”

1. Signature Humor
Anything that Bruce Campbell does is infused with humor. One of the best stories in his novel centers around his experience in Bulgaria enjoying one of his favorite “recreational” pastimes when he becomes excessively paranoid.
What happens next is pure hilarity as he basically tosses his wife out of their apartment to deal with the Bulgarian authorities. Good times.
He also lets us in on his day to day life in Southern Oregon amidst the wildlife that sometimes comes wandering into his house making it almost seem like a modern version of Green Acres. Another amusing anecdote involves his initiation ceremony at his local Elks Club. A bit high at the time, Bruce decides to read the lodge oath like William Shatner, absolutely hysterical.
In Requiem for Ash, he will have ample opportunity to make us laugh perhaps with behind the scenes tales from Ash vs Evil Dead and definitely when he recounts his adventures in Europe no doubt.
Requiem for Ash will be available on Sept. 17. Bruce has started his book tour. To see if he will be coming to a city near you, go to for more information.
Have you reserved your copy of Bruce Campbell’s Requiem for Ash? What are you looking forward to? Let us know in the comments.