Bruce Campbell, like any artist, has dream projects that eventually he would like to see come to fruition. We explore three ideas for films that definitely need to make it to the silver screen.
Bruce Campbell believes in job rotation. In other words, he has worn many hats during his 40-year career. Not only is he an accomplished character actor but he is also a writer, producer and director as well.
In our recent three-part exclusive interview series with him, he revealed several upcoming projects that he has in the pipeline. One of which is a political satire and another is a western that he has had in the works for quite some time.
However, in Hail to the Chin: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor the Requiem for Ash edition, we learned about an obscure effort called Night Man. Intrigued with the premise behind the film, we went exploring the internet to find that there are more unproduced Campbell projects out there.
Here is a list of some of those endeavors that we would eventually love to see on the silver screen.
3. Night Man
Despite extensive research on the web, we couldn’t find many details on this film that never saw the light of day. However, according to the actor, he was set to headline in the picture as well as direct. Apparently, it was like “The Shining in a high school.”
Okay, you had us at The Shining comparison. Even better, a haunted high school. We can only imagine that maybe Bruce would have played a teacher or the principal.
What we do know, thanks to Requiem for Ash is that FM Entertainment, the outfit behind Bloodsport 2, Bloodsport III and Cyborg 3: The Recycler with Zach Galligan sent Campbell to the Cannes Film Market in 1997 to see if the production could get foreign countries to distribute it.
Unfortunately, there were no takers so as Bruce states, “it was tossed onto the creative slag heap.” This would be an ideal project to resurrect in the future. It would be refreshing to have Campbell do double duty on a non-Evil Dead related horror film, in our opinion.
2. Untitled Northwest Logging Project
Courtesy of an A.V. Club interview, this idea came up when the actor was asked about dream projects. While Bruce didn’t give us much to go on, this subject is probably one that he is familiar with having lived in Oregon for over 20-years.
In 2004, Campbell worked on a documentary called, A Community Speaks which deals with land stewardship. His fan base knows that he is very passionate about the outdoors and has been for decades, so this particular idea is right in his wheelhouse, so to speak. The lack of details only leaves us wanting to know more about this venture.
1. An Untitled Tale of Redemption
This particular idea sounds very intriguing and has the potential to be a “sleeper.” The premise is that a “broken-down actor does dinner theater in a small town and redeems himself.” It almost sounds like Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life, in a sense.
Assuming that Bruce would helm the picture and star in it, the lead role would definitely be a showcase for him. Let’s face it, there is something universally appealing about an underdog winning a fight. A character study is a dream project for any actor to undertake.
The future is wide open and certainly nothing short of exciting for Bruce Campbell. As he told us, he is in a very creative phase in his life and we can’t wait to see the finished products.
Go to for information on where you can purchase his book, Hail to the Chin 2: Requiem for Ash edition as well as upcoming tour dates for meet and greets.
Which Bruce Campbell movie idea is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.