Virtually everyone seems to agree Tina Williams is the most annoying character in Halloween. In defense of Tina, here’s a list of worse characters.
It’s been 30 years since the release of Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, and one character continues to vex fans of the franchise: Tina Williams. Perhaps unfairly, she’s often thought of as the franchise’s most annoying character. While it’s merely an opinion — something everyone is entitled to, of course — it seems as though the consensus and all-around disdain for the aforementioned character is mostly just bandwagon appeal.
Is Tina Williams an annoying character? Yeah, alright, sure. Wendy Kaplan’s (now-Foxworth) performance was plausibly less tolerable in 1989, but now? 30 years later? In a gossipy, technology-obsessed world crawling with unfathomably popular socialites authoring mindless, grammatically incorrect tweets? One would assume tolerance levels would’ve changed over time.
By comparison, I think it’s safe to say Tina isn’t nearly as annoying as she might’ve been. In terms of annoying characters in the Halloween franchise, she’s not even a close second. Make no mistake, whether or not a character in either a movie or a television show is annoying isn’t linked to an actress or actor outside of their performance, nor should it be.
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That stated, here’s a list of Halloween characters more irritating than Tina (in no particular order).
1. Spitz – Halloween 5
Spitz, played by Matthew Walker, is incomparably less tolerable than Tina Williams. The character’s laugh is equally annoying and creepy, and it reminds me of Three Finger from the Wrong Turn franchise.
Beyond that, not only does Spitz allow a friend to steal several cases of beer, an act which may very well result in monetary damage (or worse), he later dresses up like Michael Myers for a prank. Knowing how it affected Rachel and Jamie, this makes Sam, Spitz and Tina look incorrigible. It’s the one scene when Tina isn’t pardonable.
2. Dr. Ranbir Sartain – Halloween (2018)
From the start something was up with Dr. Sartain. Letting Aaron lose his cool and, in the process, upset other patients by holding Michael’s mask, doesn’t seem like something a caring professional would allow. Less of a character and more of a set-piece, Haluk Bilginer’s deadly and dreadful doctor merely works as a not-so-subtle means of getting from act one to act three.
He’s Michael’s reliable source of transportation to Laurie’s house. To make matters worse, there’s a deleted scene wherein said doctor picks his nose and asks Hawkins if he’s ever worn female underwear.