The horror genre is chockfull of questionable examples of the craft of acting. However, a recent article singled out these 5 performances as being the worst of all time, but are they really?
Horror is like any other genre full of good and bad acting performances. For whatever reason, even though Jordan Peele, Ari Aster and the like have elevated spooky films to an art form, the stigma still exists that somehow all movies that fit into that category are campy and can’t be taken seriously.
Strides were made with Peele’s Oscar win but it still feels like horror on the whole has to legitimize itself all the time. It doesn’t help when people identify the genre with less than stellar productions.
In a recent article published on Living Alot, 40 acting performances were cited as being the worst of all time. While some we agree with, others we do not. So, we decided to see what other horror lovers thought of those choices.
It is interesting to note that one of the films listed was a major blockbuster although for purists it is definitely not a favorite. The other 4 offerings are considered to be questionable, at best.
That being said, we decided to highlight 5 acting performances on the list that are in the horror genre that are deemed the worst of all time. But are they? You be the judge.
A quick note, the list is not ranked.