Alien abduction is a great topic for science fiction series like Project Blue Book. However, did a doorbell cam recently capture a Texas man being transported aboard an alien craft or was it just a glitch?
Alien abduction is a fascinating topic and the subject of many science-fiction movies and series like Fire in the Sky and Project Blue Book. Just last year, an instructor at the University of Oxford proclaimed that the phenomenon is real and that extraterrestrials are breeding with us to create hybrids.
That belief is not uncommon among Ancient Alien theorists. Perhaps the most famous case of alien abduction involved Betty and Barney Hill. The New Hampshire couple claimed that they were taken on board a craft and examined by beings not of this world.
Could an event like that really happen? I believe Carl Sagan said it best, “The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” Which brings us to a recent story.
Yesterday, the New York Post reported that a door cam captured a man being transported to an alien craft in Texas. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? However, when reviewing the footage, it does appear to be plausible.
At first, everything looks normal. A man exits his house, walks down his front steps and into the night. Except, when he turns the corner and almost goes out of frame, you can see him disappear and a speck of light shoots into the sky. It would appear that he is the victim of some sort of teleportation device.
Let’s take a look at the video.
While it was fun to speculate on whether or not this actually occurred, the owners of the house confirmed that the “alien abduction” was the result of a camera glitch.
What are your thoughts on alien abductions? Let us know in the comments.