As we near the end of Tell Me a Story’s second season, secrets are coming out and drama is heating up! Here are some key moments from the latest episode!
Tell Me a Story is so close to its conclusion, and we’re finally receiving some answers to our fire-burning questions. Who’s behind the Ashley Rose car-bombing? Did Veronica kill Frank? Has anyone noticed that Brenden’s been missing…? The latest Tell Me a Story episode was jam-packed with the drama that we viewers love. Read on to find out 5 key moments from “Sweet Dreams!”
Glimpse into Tucker’s Nightmares
Right away, we are welcomed back into Tucker’s dungeon. In the last few episodes, we have seen Olivia, our previous Sleeping Beauty, calling the shots. Olivia attempts an interrogation; asking what makes Maddie so special and then shows Tucker that she’s been following and snapping shots of his ex-fiancée.
After not getting many answers, Olivia pulls out that familiar syringe filled with a sedative. Tucker begs her not to do it, as the sedatives make it harder to wake from the nightmares. Her response? If he doesn’t take it, she will kill Maddie. Pretending to comply, Tucker sits on the bed and waits for Olivia to come over. He then attempts to fight back, but Olivia ends up winning this battle and we enter Tucker’s nightmares for the rest of his scenes in this episode.
As shown in the past, Tucker’s head is a terrifying place to be in. Throughout his nightmares, we are given a glimpse of his childhood after Anna has died. His mother blames her death on Tucker and shows her disdain for her son throughout the nightmare. We also witness a young Tucker snapping the head off of a doll, and placing it in the bed because he “can’t sleep without Anna.”
Olivia and Maddie Come Face to Face
Olivia, claiming her name is Rachel, arrives at Maddie’s office requesting legal help. After manipulation on Olivia’s part, Maddie agrees to get lunch with her and ends up spilling all of the details on her relationship with Tucker.
During the lunch, Maddie receives a text from Brenden’s wife, asking Maddie to come to talk to her. Upon arrival, Brenden’s wife shares that she hasn’t heard from Brenden in a couple of days and that he hasn’t shown for work. She then shows Maddie that his last text was to Tucker, and was hoping that Maddie would talk to Tucker to see if he knows anything.
This leads Maddie to her ex-fiance’s house where she runs into Olivia, and discovers that her name isn’t Rachel. She asks where Tucker is, and Olivia says that she’ll tell her, but first she must tell Maddie who Tucker really is.

Jackson Heads Back to Rehab
After a drunk night and a conversation with Maddie, Jackson decides it’s time to clean himself up. After cleaning up stray food containers that litter his apartment and rejecting a glass of whiskey, our Prince Charming makes his way to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Let us all cross our fingers that this attitude will stick.
Simone Blackmails Clay Callaway
It seems as if the ‘being a family’ gig is working out; that is, until Veronica and Simone have their own personal conversation, letting each other know that they’re not buying each other’s acts. The tension gets worse when Clay Callaway appears on their doorstep.
Simone introduces herself to the man who her step-mother had an affair with; leaving him to look very uncomfortable. Afterward, our Cinderella makes an appointment with him so that they can speak one-on-one.
The meeting is scheduled for after hours, making it all seem shady from the get-go. Clay tells her that Veronica couldn’t have murdered Frank, because she was with him that night. Simone then tells him that she wants the original will document, or she’s taking it public. But the blackmailing threats don’t matter, because as Simone returns to her car, Clay is pushed out of a window.
Who’s Behind the Ashley Rose Car-Bombing?
To Rebecca and Beau’s dismay, Ashley Rose is ready to return to the spotlight. Unfortunately, after making her announcement, she receives a package holding two dead lovebirds meant to symbolize Ashley Rose and Beau.
Beau is warned by Detective Gwen to keep his distance from Ashley Rose because he is clearly a target now. He, of course, refuses to listen, because he doesn’t believe that he’s in any danger. Our episode ends with Beau picking up a burger for his father, and getting run over.
We then see that the person behind the steering wheel is none other than Dylan Young’s neighbor, Taylor. She enters her lair and we see that not only does she have the bomb equipment, but also photos and details of the Pruitt family plastered on the walls.
Did you catch the latest episode of Tell Me a Story? Leave us your thoughts and theories in the comments!
Tell Me a Story premieres on Thursday on CBS All Access!