1. Skinwalkers (2002)
The PBS TV movie is based on Tony Hillerman’s 1986 novel with the same title. Tony Hillerman has written a series of murder mysteries around two Navajo tribal policemen Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee.
Hillerman’s stories provide a rare insight into Navajo or Dine culture and Skinwalkers is no different. It touches on an urban legend so scary and terrifying that even non-traditional Navajos refuse to even say the name Skinwalker.
The legend says that Skinwalkers are Navajo medicine men who practice black magic. In order to gain the ability to shapeshift into animals or other creatures, they have to murder someone close to them. Because they are medicine men with great powers, they can curse people that displease them or become an animal that will kill the offending party outright.
Native American actors Adam Beach and Wes Studi portray the title characters of Jim Chee and Lt. Joe Leaphorn in the PBS production. Because the Navajo reservation is so expansive, spanning the states of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, it makes it difficult for Leaphorn to solve the murder spree that is happening on the Utah side of the reservation. When there is an attempt on Chee’s life, the two tribal policemen join forces to solve the grisly crimes.
It is a fascinating murder mystery that also provides a look at a long-enduring urban legend that still scares people today.
You can rent Skinwalkers on DVD.com.
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