Resident Evil 3 remake isn’t the Raccoon City we hoped for

Resident Evil 3. Image Courtesy Capcom
Resident Evil 3. Image Courtesy Capcom
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resident evil 3 remake
Resident Evil 3. Image Courtesy Capcom

The Conclusion Is Confusion

The fast gameplay is fun but there’s no exploration and I constantly felt like I was corralled in a pig race, just running in the small spaces that were assigned to me like an arcade game. Jump scares replaced the horror element and action which is a far cry from the newer direction of the games but reminiscent of what they were in the past.

It’s hard to tell where Capcom wants the franchise to head with this game. Because I want to give Resident Evil: Resistance a fair shake, it will be its own separate review in the future.

If this review left you confused, then welcome to the club. I ended this short campaign (and it is really short) with a feeling of unsettled confusion. I both loved the game and was left with a slight empty feeling.

It is gorgeous and I love how you get to see the start or reasons for events in Resident Evil 2 like the body in the locker on the second floor of the RPD. Little things like that are appreciated but in the large scheme of it all, there were some things lacking but I just can’t put my finger on what. There are small rewards to promote some replayability but with the lack of exploration, it makes you wonder if it’s worthwhile to do so.

This is no easy thing for me to say because this is my most favorite game franchise. Resident Evil holds a very special place in my heart and no matter how crappy a game is, I will always find things to love about it.

The Resident Evil 3 remake is by no means a bad game in any sense of the word, but there’s just something missing. This game is selling right now for $60 and I don’t think it’s a $60 game, just for its content.

While you do add in the multi-player element, most RE fans aren’t in it to play with other people. I don’t see myself playing Resident Evil: Resistance regularly, so I am left with a 6 hour campaign with little replayability. I do recommend playing this game, but remember it’s just not what we hoped it would be.

You can play the remake now on PS4, Xbox 1 and Windows.

Keep an eye on 1428 Elm to see our review of the Resident Evil 3 remake demo when it becomes available.