A new Hot Topic Ash Funko Pop from Army of Darkness is on the way. It should be hitting stores in September or October. We have the details.
A new Hot Topic Ash Funko Pop from Army of Darkness is on the way. If you are a fan of the third installment in Sam Raimi’s film series, you will definitely want this collectible for your shelves.
Bruce Campbell, the face of Ash Williams in the Evil Dead franchise for over 40 years, has been immortalized for NECA, MEZCO TOYZ and Funko Pops as the iconic character. Collectors all over the world have action figures of the beloved legend.
The new Hot Topic Ash Funko Pop features the metal gauntlet, his cape, ever present boomstick as well as a copy of the Necronomicon. He looks like he is ready to recite or rather bungle the phrase, “Klaatu, Verata, Necktie…Nikto?”
HT Nerdette was the first to break the news with pictures of her unboxing several toys for the popular clothing chain on Twitter. Another cool feature that deserves to be mentioned is the box that Ash comes in. The famous poster highlighting an extremely cut and buff, bare chested Campbell is predominantly featured.
Just one of the many reasons for Army of Darkness lovers to jump on this Funko when it is released. To see an up close and personal picture of the hero from the sky, click on this link.
The Hot Topic Ash Funko Pop should be available in the fall, possibly around Sept. or Oct. Keep checking the retailer’s website for updates.
Until the collectible arrives, you can stream Army of Darkness on Hulu, Sling TV, STARZ, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play and VUDU.
Tell us what you think of the Hot Topic Ash Funko Pop in the comments.