The dynamic duo of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost step into paranormal comedy with Truth Seekers, coming to Prime on Oct. 30.
Abbott and Costello. Laurel and Hardy. When it comes to reliable comedy teams, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are up there with the greats. Their collaborations have yielded genre hybrids that blend humor with horror (Shaun of the Dead) and action (Hot Fuzz). Now, they’re taking their creative talents to the realm of ghosts and the paranormal with their new series, Truth Seekers.
Deadline has the scoop on what we can expect:
"“Truth Seekers is a supernatural comedy series about a team of part-time paranormal investigators. As their supernatural experiences grow more frequent, more terrifying and even deadly, they begin to uncover a conspiracy that could bring about Armageddon…”"
While I haven’t been a fan of every Pegg and Frost collaboration, I’m an admirer of their affection for whatever genre they try their hand at. A big part of what makes their presence as actors so endearing is the obvious behind-the-scenes camaraderie.
Based on the trailer, Truth Seekers looks like a fun continuation of their creative union. I quite like Pegg’s Robert Redford (as Bob Woodward) look, the jab at parent company Amazon (a van that reads “Smyle” in similar font), and Frost’s always-impressive array of smug, clueless, and deadpan delivery.
Making the premise even sweeter, the appearance of Malcolm McDowell (as Frost’s father) had me laughing out loud. Meanwhile, supporting players Samson Kayo and Emma D’Arcy are promising additions to Frost’s ragtag group of spirit-chasers.
With the ongoing popularity of Ghostbusters, Ancient Aliens and various shows highlighting the exploits of paranormal investigators, Truth Seekers looks like an entertaining blend of humor and spooky stuff. In a year that’s been full of the wrong kind of gallows humor, this could be the must-see show of the Halloween season.
Truth Seekers premieres on Amazon Prime on Oct. 30
Are you a fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost? Let us know in the comments if you will be tuning into Truth Seekers.