Mystery Mansion is a brand-new horror comedy web series premiering on Oct. 15. If you enjoy Evil Dead and the Michigan Mafia super-8 shorts, this is the show for you.
Mystery Mansion is a new web series that pays homage to 80’s style horror, specifically Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead films. What happens when a mad scientist, an occultist and a chiropractor get together to fight dark forces hellbent on destroying our dimension? Three Stooges’ comedy mixed with puppets, animation and old school practical effects.
Professor Decay is played by Mike Handelman, Isaiah Mueller is the spiritualist Mr. Horus and rounding out the cast, Hunter West as Doctor Ghoul. This show promises to be a unique one with a retro flair.
Director Joe Whelski is helming this effort. He was behind the award-winning feature, Yellow Scare which pondered the question, what if Hitler teamed up with an evil entity to develop a weapon that could win World War II? Enter the Steel Brothers who will do their best to thwart the Dictator’s plans.
Myq Kaplan, a stand-up comic known for his appearances on Conan O’Brien and IFC’s Comedy Bang, Bang will be lending his vocal talents to the Eyeball character. Mystery Mansion is very proud of the fact that they have a diverse and multi-cultural cast which will only enrich the storylines.
The series will be featured at Phoenix FearCon Online Virtual Film Festival. Mystery Mansion premieres Oct. 15 with the finale scheduled for Oct. 31.
Check out the video below which is a preview of what you can expect from the production.
Stay tuned for information on where you can watch this exciting new series.
Are you a fan of Sam Raimi and the Three Stooges? Let us know if you will be tuning into the Mystery Mansion web series in the comments section.