The Last Drive-In Christmas Special, Joe Bob Saves Christmas, raised over $44,000 for a handful of charitable organizations.
The money was raised through eBay charity auctions, which were announced during Joe Bob Saves Christmas on December 11. The twenty items won by the highest bidders included the reindeer bra sported by Darcy during last year’s Christmas Special, Joe Bob’s Red Christmas, a replica of the Demons mask and a signed copy of Tom Savini’s biography.
Joe Bob proclaimed himself to be amazed by the money brought in, “especially since many of the auction items had minimal to zero actual value, and had meaning only to fans of the show.” He said that several of the opening bids were so high that many fans simply could not afford to participate, yet many viewers still made their own donations to the featured charities. In a year like the one we are now wrapping up, raising such a large amount of cash is considered by Joe Bob to be “a Christmas miracle.”
Joe Bob Saves Christmas featured the films Deadly Games and Christmas Evil, and the auctioned items were introduced in breaks between segments. Joe Bob made a personal donation of $1,000, and Darcy donated $2,000 raised from photos she sold. Also included in the final tally will be as-yet-uncounted individual donations from fans of the show.
The charities receiving the money are:
The Trevor Project, which provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ young people under 25
National Women’s Law Center, which fights for gender justice in our courts’ system and public policy, providing solutions to gender inequity.
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, providing care and shelter to donkeys that have been neglected, abandoned or abused, while also protecting wild donkeys.
Organization for Autism Research, which supports research in order to improve the lives of those affected by autism.
If you are interested in getting more information on these organizations, or in donating to them, you can visit their websites (links provided above). For information regarding the items and auctions, visit the Joe Bob Saves Christmas website.
Did you watch Joe Bob Saves Christmas? Did you participate in the auction? If you won something, we want to know all about it in the comments section.