16. Jessica Biel in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Year of release: 2003
Character played: Erin
There have been a few versions of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre over the years. This isn’t the only version of the franchise you’ll see pop up on this list. However, it is the first to make it.
How can we possibly forget Jessica Biel was in this movie? Maybe it’s because it’s one of the poorer version of the original with very little changed. However, that doesn’t stop Biel from being one of the best parts of the whole movie. There are times that she breaks the tropes of horror movies and makes some pretty good decisions.
Biel plays the lead character, Erin. She and her friends head on a road trip and pick up a hitch-hiker on the way. This hitch-hiker is delirious and in shock and then suddenly shoots herself. It starts a whole lot of trouble for the group as they end up coming face-to-face with Leatherface.
You know the story from there. Leatherface and his family end up killing a load of teens. They’re cannibals, Leatherface wants their skin, pretty normal for horror movies, right?
Biel’s performance is worth watching the movie for. Go on and check it out.