20. Johnny Depp in A Nightmare on Elm Street
Year of release: 1984
Character played: Glen Lantz
Since we’ve just mentioned Edward Scissorhands, it’s worth mentioning one of Johnny Depp’s first-ever movies. This is one of those cases where you’ll remember the character but you probably don’t remember the actor unless you’ve already done your research or you’ve watched it a thousand times.
I’m one of the latter. I’ve watched A Nightmare on Elm Street so much that I can practically recite it. But I didn’t even realize it was Depp on the first watch.
Wait, who is Depp? He’s Nancy’s boyfriend, Glen. You’ll probably remember him better as the character that is pulled into his bed and then bloody splatters across the ceiling. Yep, got the scene in your head now? That’s Johnny Depp’s character.
You’ll be forgiven for forgetting. One, it’s a vastly different Depp to the one you’ve come to know in the likes of Pirates of the Caribbean and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Glen’s character also wasn’t around for too much of the movie. He’s at the start and then mostly forgotten about until the time for his death. The movie is, after all, mostly focused on Nancy.
However, now that you remember, you’ll not forget!