30 terrifying horror movies you won’t want to watch alone

BILL SKARSGÅRD as Pennywise in New Line Cinema’s horror thriller "IT CHAPTER TWO,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
BILL SKARSGÅRD as Pennywise in New Line Cinema’s horror thriller "IT CHAPTER TWO,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
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BILL SKARSGÅRD as Pennywise in New Line Cinema’s horror thriller “IT CHAPTER TWO,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Horror movies you won’t want to watch alone: 9. IT

Honestly, whether it is the original Stephen King’s IT or the recent remake featuring Bill Skarsgard as the horrifying clown known as Pennywise, this movie is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Considering this is the work of Stephen King, is anyone surprised that this movie is one you don’t want to watch by yourself? And forget it if you have a fear of clowns – this story will make that fear worse.

In the first chapter, I think the terror is much worse because the focus is on the children. There are iconic images that just stay with you after seeing this movie, including some of the most innocent, including the single red balloon or the water flowing into a sewer opening. And then there is the iconic line, “We all float down here.”

However, the quote that stuck with me the most is when Pennywise warns the children who are coming up against him, “I’m every nightmare you’ve ever had. I am your worst dream come true!”

This movie is filled with brilliant acting, a haunted house, the dark and damp creepiness that is the sewer system, the bizarreness of Skarsgard as a twisted, murderous clown (which was truly brilliant), and just the right amount of jump scares to cement this film as a terrifying watch.

And yes, the whole clown thing is enough for some of us to be freaked out without the addition of murder and floating corpses.