Too Close Season 1 is a taut psychological thriller focusing on a twisted relationship

Denise Gough as Connie & Emily Watson as Dr Emma Robinson - Too Close _Season1 - Photo Credit: Robert Viglasky/JedBessell/AMC+
Denise Gough as Connie & Emily Watson as Dr Emma Robinson - Too Close _Season1 - Photo Credit: Robert Viglasky/JedBessell/AMC+

ITV’s three-part drama Too Close has finally released on AMC+. The psychological thriller stars Denise Gough as Connie, a woman accused of trying to murder her daughter and her best friend’s daughter. Throughout the three episodes of Too Close Season 1, we focus on the complicated relationship between Connie and her forensic psychologist, Emma (Emily Watson).

Emma is troubled by her own demons, making her an easy target for Connie. While Emma is trying to uncover the truth behind what happened that night with Connie and the young girls, Connie is busy deflecting, projecting, and trying to wind Emma up until she breaks.

The main mystery is figuring out what really happened that night since Connie claims to have amnesia. Until Emma can assess whether that’s true or false, Connie is confined into a hospital. Depending on how her trial plays out, she could be imprisoned for decades or be hospitalized for life.

Too Close Season 1
DENISE GOUGH as Connie Mortensen – Too Close Season1, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Robert Viglasky/Jed Bessell/AMC+

Too Close Season 1 is a character-driven thriller that will keep you glued to the edge of your seat

If you like cat-and-mouse thrillers or anything of the psychological variety, then Too Close should be right up your alley. The first episode is a little slow, but by the second hour, the core relationship between these women becomes impossibly complex and fascinating to watch unfold. Gough and Watson work fantastically off of each other.

In typical thriller format, we see the events play out via two timelines, one in the past that shows the events leading up to that fateful night that Connie potentially ruined her life and then the present-day where Emma tries to make a breakthrough in their sessions.

That said, don’t watch Too Close Season 1 anticipating a really twisted, fast-paced adrenaline ride, it’s more about the relationship anchored by Emma and Connie. These two women are the heart of the show, as is their multifaceted interiors lives and complexities.

You can watch all three episodes of Too Close Season 1 on AMC+ right now.