HBO’s upcoming television series adaptation of the acclaimed video game The Last of Us has officially begun production! Star Gabriel Luna, who has been cast as Tommy, shared a photograph on Friday showing himself seated in a car alongside co-stars Pedro Pascal, who plays Joel, and Nico Parker, who was cast as Sarah.
Fans are plenty hyped for the adaptation of the popular Naughty Dog game and now that shooting is underway in Calgary we should start getting more updates and photos from the set in the coming months.
Also pictured in the images are several crew members, all of whom are wearing safety masks given the current strict COVID-19 protocols being followed. Since everyone looks pretty happy and pristine, I’d wager that this photo was taken during rehearsal.
In the comments of Luna’s post, fans were already guessing what scene they might be filming with most assuming they’re doing that heartbreaking scene that starts the game. We won’t say what happens for those who haven’t played the game yet.
Gabriel Luna is hyped for #MillerTime in set photo from The Last of Us
However, nothing is set in stone as the series creators have teased that there might be some changes from the source material in store. Who knows exactly what’s going to make it to the screen and what might change along the way?
It looks like the cast is already getting along famously as Luna writes “already love these folks,” and added the hashtag #MillerTime. For those unaware, Joel and Tommy are brothers while Sarah is Joel’s daughter, together they comprise the Miller family.
The photo shows a bright, sunny day and big smiles on everyone’s faces. The energy is infectious and it’s a great photograph to kickstart production and get fans excited for what’s to come.
Are you looking forward to The Last of Us television series? Does this photo get you excited for the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.