16. Chester Creb American Horror Story: Freak Show
When it comes to horror, American Horror Story: Freak Show is perhaps the least terrifying, but it definitely held a lot of horrors. One of the villains of the season is actually Chester Creb. He doesn’t rank high because he was not around for very long, but he is both a psychopath and a killer. And he does it in a very insidious way.
Chester is unwell, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that he is a villain. Considering Chester Creb is played by Neil Patrick Harris, he has a certain charm about him that is hard to ignore. But that charm just makes his violence more terrifying.
He murdered his wife and apparently her lover by bludgeoning them to death in a hallucinatory rage. But his hallucinations don’t stop there, as he truly believes that his ventriloquist dummy is a real person and in many ways she is. She is a person in his mind feeding his violence.
Not only does he plan to murder the twins (Dot and Bette), but he actually does saw one person in half in the midst of another hallucination. He kills Maggie by cutting her in half as part of the magic box routine. While typically Maggie could have survived by pulling her feet into the box, Chester used cuffs to keep her from pulling her legs to safety.
When he pulls the box apart, he is covered in blood and her intestines fall to the floor. He then blames the doll and envisions murdering her by stabbing her violently and repeatedly. Of course, he can’t exactly kill a doll, but his murderous rages are clearly never going to be appeased.