17 worst American Horror Story characters

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: CULT -- Pictured: Evan Peters as Kai Anderson. CR: Frank Ockenfels/FX
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: CULT -- Pictured: Evan Peters as Kai Anderson. CR: Frank Ockenfels/FX /
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American Horror Story
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE — Pictured: Adina Porter as Dinah Stevens. CR: Kurt Iswarienko/FX /

Dinah Stevens from American Horror Story: Apocalypse

Played by: Adina Porter

Why the character was the worst: Adina Porter has played some excellent roles, both on American Horror Story and on other shows. Dinah Stevens is one of those roles, who is a character you just love to hate. And if you’re honest, sometimes you can see yourself within her.

It’s the apocalypse so of course, she’s going to do what she can to survive. However, that survival leads to the demise of many others. She’s not afraid to stand up to Michael Langdon, but she’s also not afraid to betray the witches and join Michael’s side when she thinks she has better chances of survival.

Her actions are so selfish that even her own son calls her out for it. Unlike Porter’s character Lee Harris, Dinah doesn’t really care about her son. Yes, there are some elements of motherly instinct, but she’s too self-absorbed and selfish to even think about her son’s survival when it comes to her own. That does not a mother make!

Originally, Dinah gets her just desserts. She ends up dying and being sent to hell. In fact, she has to take over Marie Laveau’s role in torturing Madame LaLaurie in hell. However, all that is undone by Michael Langdon being killed before he becomes the Anti-Christ and before the apocalypse can happen. That means Dinah remains the Voodoo Queen and her selfish self.