Why are there no pumpkin carvers on Halloween Wars this year?

For the Small Scare Challenge, teams had to create a cuddly stuffed animal’s evil twin, who wants revenge for it’s cuddle-free life; BUTTERCREAM BEASTS: Matt Harper (Pumpkin Carver), Beth Townsend (Cake Decorator), & Angela Sweetser (Sugar) created a double headed giraffe that decapitated its twin, as seen on Halloween Wars, Season 9. photo provided by Food Network
For the Small Scare Challenge, teams had to create a cuddly stuffed animal’s evil twin, who wants revenge for it’s cuddle-free life; BUTTERCREAM BEASTS: Matt Harper (Pumpkin Carver), Beth Townsend (Cake Decorator), & Angela Sweetser (Sugar) created a double headed giraffe that decapitated its twin, as seen on Halloween Wars, Season 9. photo provided by Food Network

The question everyone wants an answer to this spooky season is why are there are no pumpkin carvers on Halloween Wars this year? It just isn’t the same show without the pumpkin carvers and sugar artists.

Every year, Halloween Wars is known for being the show that takes a unique approach to baking competitions by creating teams consisting of a pumpkin carver, a sugar artist, and a cake artist. Then each trio would compete against each other to develop elaborate backdrops and Halloween-themed art pieces in front of a panel of judges.

But this year, the Halloween Wars pumpkin carvers are nowhere to be found.

Halloween Wars 2021 no pumpkin carvers

One of the reasons fans are so disappointed in no pumpkins on Halloween Wars is that it was one of the critical components of this long-running reality competition that set it apart from the rest. Food Network has tons of other competition bake-offs, and this was less about the baking than it was about designs. Seeing pumpkin carvers turn massive pumpkins into incredible creations felt suitable for the holiday. It made this show feel much different from Halloween Baking Championship or the myriad of cooking challenges.

Why are there no pumpkins on Halloween Wars?

On Reddit, someone claiming to be a contestant from Halloween Wars 2021 (she says she’s Brooke from the Cake Coven team) said the primary reason for the lack of pumpkins is pandemic-related.

Because of filming restrictions and scheduling problems, Food Network was forced to film the season much earlier or not film the show at all. They reportedly filmed this season during the summer months in Utah versus filming in September/October in California. Pumpkins weren’t in season during the summer, and instead of ditching the season altogether, they just chose to change the format.

Hopefully, the backlash will prove to the network that fans care about the show’s format and go back to normal next year. However, it’s also worth noting that it appears this season might have had some budgetary cuts, too, as the main prize went from $50,000 to $25,000.

If this is true, would you rather the show have skipped this season altogether, or are you content with what we have?