Creepshow Season 3, Episode 2 postmortem chat with guest star Andrew ‘King Bach’ Bachelor

Andrew Bachelor as Jackson, Robert Stevens Wayne as Client - Creepshow _ Season 3, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/Shudder
Andrew Bachelor as Jackson, Robert Stevens Wayne as Client - Creepshow _ Season 3, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/Shudder /

1428 Elm spoke to Andrew “King Bach” Bachelor about his role as Jack in the newest episode of Creepshow Season 3. Bachelor plays a lawyer who visits a psychic one night with his girlfriend Fawn (Hannah Fierman). The psychic, Mr. Boone (Keith Arthur Bolden), gives Jack some seriously unpleasant news and his life spirals downward from there.

Apart from Creepshow, you’re most likely familiar with Bachelor from his comedy career, but he has done other films and television shows in the past, including The Walking Dead (which shares Greg Nicotero with Creepshow), The Babysitter: Killer Queen, and the recent Hulu original film Vacation Friends.

Warning: There are some mild spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet!

The episode he starred in, Creepshow Season 3, Episode 2, specifically the “Familiar” segment, was written by Bird Box scribe Josh Malerman and directed by Joe Lynch.

Andrew Bachelor discusses his role in the newest episode of Creepshow Season 3, “Familiar”

1428 ELM: What attracted you to take this role in Creepshow?

ANDREW BACHELOR: I wanted to because I’m known for all of the comedy roles I’ve done. I wanted to step outside and try my shot at a horror, thriller, love, genre.

1428 ELM: Do you consider yourself a horror fan?

ANDREW BACHELOR: Yeah, I love watching horror films.

1428 ELM: What are some of your favorites?

ANDREW BACHELOR: My ultimate favorite is Get Out. That’s my favorite type of horror/thriller. But of course, I love Final Destination. I love The Babysitter.

1428 ELM: You did the sequel to [The Babysitter], right?

ANDREW BACHELOR: Yeah, I did the sequel to that.

1428 ELM: A lot of this episode is just you reacting to things. Was that challenging for you? Or was it fun to play off of a monster and a mysterious setting? 

ANDREW BACHELOR: I channeled the inner Jurassic Park in a sense, those creatures not really being there, but I had to pretend like I saw them. It was hard at first, but, hey, that’s what we sign up for in acting, right?

Creepshow Season 3
Andrew Bachelor as Jackson – Creepshow _ Season 3, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/Shudder /

1428 ELM: What was it like playing opposite Hannah Fierman and Keith Arthur Bolden?

ANDREW BACHELOR: They were both great. Hannah was great. She really brought it, Keith as well. The scene that we had in that little psychic area where he was talking to us, he was really into it. I got to know him a little bit. He’s actually an acting teacher. I love that.

I went to film school, too, and one of the problems I had with film school is none of the acting teachers were currently acting, so if you want an acting coach or teacher, someone who is actually in the field and actually working is one of the best you can get. So kudos to Keith and all of his students.

1428 ELM: The whole plot of this episode kicks off because you visit his character, the psychic. Have you ever been a psychic in real life?

ANDREW BACHELOR: I’ve been to a psychic, but it was a prank. They pranked me. They made the psychic give me a bad reading and told me I was going to have five baby mamas, so I’ll never see a psychic ever again. I’m traumatized.

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1428 ELM: I went to a psychic who told me I needed an exorcism, and that wasn’t a prank.


1428 ELM: But she wanted to charge me 300 dollars for that.

ANDREW BACHELOR: Oh, so she was a scam artist. She wasn’t a psychic. That’s funny.

1428 ELM: I liked the scene with the chair stacking, like Poltergeist, and the creature is creeping around your office. Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

ANDREW BACHELOR: I have not, but I’ve seen the shows where people have, and it’s creepy. My reaction was honest.

1428 ELM: Are you someone who believes in ghosts, or not really?

ANDREW BACHELOR: I don’t not not believe in them. But I’m not going out there hunting for them.

Creepshow Season 3
Andrew Bachelor as Jackson – Creepshow _ Season 3, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/Shudder /

1428 ELM: When you read the script for this and saw the ending—I actually think the ending made it one of my favorite Creepshow episodes—what was your first reaction to that?

ANDREW BACHELOR: Oh, nice! I loved the whole script, entirely.

1428 ELM: Were you shocked by how it ended?

ANDREW BACHELOR: Yeah, a little shocked. But every good story needs a good ending.

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This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Creepshow Season 3 is now streaming exclusively on Shudder.