Episode 2 of Midnight Mass gave us a lot more info on the residents of Crocket Island (including Bev), a death and a miracle. Please note: as this is a recap of the episode, there are spoilers.
The Flynns, Sheriff Hassan and Ali are checking out the dead cat situation on the beach, when the mayor and Dolly show up. Hassan wants them to stay clear, because he thinks a disease may be the culprit.
Wade doesn’t think so, but there was no flooding after the storm, there’s no oil on the cats. The Sheriff points out that their necks are broken, and there are wounds, but no blood. Whatever happened to them, happened on that island. Naturally, Wade thinks this is a good time to try to persuade Hassan to come to mass. He knows the Sheriff is Muslim, but it would be the perfect opportunity for the residents to start seeing him as one of them.
Father Paul shows up for Mass in his proper green robe, and only a few people are there for Communion; afterwards he and Leeza chat as he walks her home. They encounter Joe and his dog Pike, and Joe is obviously uncomfortable, while Leeza freezes up. As we find out later, Joe was responsible for a “hunting accident”, in which he unintentionally shot Leeza, causing her paralysis.
At the school, Erin finds Bev in a supply closet, where she is taking down a bottle of rat poison (!). Erin asks for Windex, and in her judge-y way, Bev tells her she should water it down to make it last longer. Oops, Erin threw the bottle out. She asks why Bev has so much poison, and is told that there was an island rat infestation after the oil spill, and we need to be prepared for more rats after those cats washed up on shore. Note: I ain’t buying it that story.
Midnight Mass is definitely starting to give us the feeling that Bev is dangerous, and cannot be trusted.
Paul shows up at Sarah’s house, offering to give a private mass for Mildred. When he walks into her room, the confused woman thinks he is Pruitt at first. Sarah observes Paul with Mildred, he is very gentle with her as he gives her wine and a Communion wafer.
At the Flynn house, Riley is going through his nightly bedtime ritual of seeing the girl he killed, covered in glass. Then he dreams about rowing out alone in a boat (we saw this in the first episode as well), and of the figure he saw on the beach during the storm.
We are treated to a cool drone-like shot of something flying over Crockett Island. Ooker hears something overhead and looks up, then the “drone” flies into an abandoned home.