It’s Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick’s, and the church is fairly full. Bev gets a little snarky (of course), commenting that it’s a shame people only come on special occasions. Paul gives a sermon wherein he says the island will rise again, that they should all keep coming back to church. “Just bring yourself, God will do the rest.” He reminds the congregation that Jesus’s first disciples were fishermen. “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Riley consents to having Father Paul draw a cross on his forehead with ash.
Afterwards, the annual “Crock Pot Luck” festival is held, there’s food, games and even a live band. Leeza’s parents observe Joe Collie there with his dog Pike. Sarah is there with a woman, with whom, as it turns out, she is a second date. Her date asks why she stays on the island, and Sarah tells her she can’t leave, it’s where her mom wants to be.
The women observe that Father Paul is watching them, and Sarah says it’s exactly the same way the Monsignor used to watch her. He was the Monsignor on the island since before Sarah was even born.
Paul and Riley chat, Paul says Easter is a time for renewal, it’s his favorite time of year. He tells Riley that the Monsignor is doing better, but he doesn’t think he will be going anywhere anytime soon. He then offers to start an AA chapter at the rec center so Riley doesn’t have to go to the mainland to attend meetings.
We see that good boy Pike laying in the grass, and someone gives him a hot dog, which he eats happily.
Erin and Riley are chatting, he reassures her that she is nothing like her mom, who, as Erin states, was “a drunk.” Then they hear anguished shouting; it’s Joe, and he is crying out, “Pike! Pike!” Poor Pike is laying on his side, vomiting blood as all of the townspeople stand around watching. Bev is standing there too, with her usual smug expression, and Joe is crying out, “Which one of you did this to a helpless little dog? He was poisoned, what did he ever do??”
Sarah and the Sheriff are the only people who seem to be trying to help, and Joe shoots Bev a look. Note: I am with Joe on this one, I think she is the culprit. Also, WHY must you always make me cry, Mike Flanagan?
The next morning, Riley decides to go out on the fishing boat with Ed and Warren, and the church is back to its usual extremely low attendance again. Leeza again takes communion.
At school, Sheriff Hassan finds Bev in the supply closet PUTTING AWAY A BOTTLE OF RAT POISON! He tells her he is following up on “an island mystery”, and that Pike was poisoned. He asks about the poison, and Bev says she put out some rat poison, and if that dog accidently ingested some, she will never forgive herself. Is he certain? He says, “I’m not telling you that.” She shakes her head, and says the poison is for the entire island, and who would know if someone grabbed some? She really should lock the rat poison up.