Horror streaming service Shudder has announced yet another upcoming exclusive film, this one coming up in the summer. Offseason will makes its debut on June 10 of this year, and will be available in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Each month, the streamer adds more exclusives and originals to its already impressive roster of horror, thriller and sci-fi films. And if you don’t think these types of films possess the quality you desire, think again. Surely you have heard of Host, right? Well, guess what? That was a Shudder Original.
Offseason was written and directed by Mickey Keating (Darling), and stars Jocelin Donahue (The House of the Devil, Doctor Sleep), Joe Swanberg (V/H/S, You’re Next), Richard Brake (Mandy, 3 From Hell), Melora Walters (The Pale Door, another Shudder film) and Jeremy Gardner (After Midnight).
Marie (Donahue) receives a letter informing her that her mother’s grave was vandalized, and immediately goes the isolated island where said grave is located. After she arrives, she finds that the island is closing for the offseason, which means she is trapped there until spring, when the bridges will be lowered again. Could all of the strange things that are happening possibly be tied up with a secret from her mother’s past?
As shown in the Shudder trailer (which you can watch below), it may be too late for Marie once she realizes that something is definitely not right.
This film has all the trappings of a good, spooky, trapped-in-an-isolated-area film. We get rain, a creepy bar populated by very strange people, a road with no viable exit, a possible deal with a demon, and even some scary sea creatures.
Take a look at the trailer to see if Offseason is a can’t-miss film for you. If you’re not a current subscriber, check out the Shudder website to receive a free 7-day trial (for new subscribers only).
Does the trailer for Offseason look intriguing to you? Let us know what you think in the comments section.