ID to air Two Shallow Graves docuseries over three nights in May

Two Shallow Graves - Courtesy Discovery
Two Shallow Graves - Courtesy Discovery

ID (Investigation Discovery) will be presenting Two Shallow Graves, a seven-part docuseries beginning on Sunday, May 22.

Two Shallow Graves takes a look at the murders of the McStay family: Joseph, Summer and their two young boys, followed by the shocking trial of Charles “Chase” Merritt, who was charged with the murders. Merritt had been Joseph McStay’s business partner.

The McStay family disappeared in February of 2010, leaving no clues as to where they might have gone, but in 2013, their bodies were found in the California desert, buried in two shallow graves.

Two Shallow Graves take a deep dive into the murder trial of Merritt, including insightful chats with the prosecution and defense teams. As it turns out, there was very little evidence that Merritt actually committed the murders, despite the fact that he was found guilty and sentenced to death.

In true ID fashion, the docuseries will include footage of Merritt and his defense team strategizing, as well as interviews with key figures in the investigation and trial (including Merritt himself).

ID will air the series over three nights, with the first three episodes debuting on May 22, episodes four and five airing on May 23, and the remaining two episodes concluding on May 24. Episodes will be available to stream on discovery+ the same day.

ID logo – courtesy discovery+

Episode breakdown for ID series Two Shallow Graves:

Vanished (May 22) – Episode one covers the disappearance of the McStay family, followed by the discovery of their bodies three years later. Chase Merritt is charged, and his trial begins.

The Missed Call (May 22) – A witness claims that someone besides Merritt has confessed to the McStay murders, and Merritt’s girlfriend presents him with an alibi, but the prosecution isn’t buying it.

The Killer’s Truck (May 22) – Other suspects are investigated, including Summer McStay’s ex, and footage is discovered of a truck leaving the McStay home.

The Desert Ping (May 23) – Chase Merritt’s cell phone pinged in an area very close the graves, but he claims he was visiting his sister. Evidence pops up that suggests he attempted to delete some financial records.

Where’s Dan (May 23) – DNA is discovered in the McStays’ graves, and Joseph McStay’s brother is questions.

The Verdict (May 24) – The prosecution and the defense in Merritt’s case give their closing statements, and his fate is now in the hands of the jurors.

Stay Out of Dodge (May 24) – Merritt is upset with his attorneys, who did not call on someone he believed to be an expert witness. A silent figure in the case finally speaks up.

Are you familiar with the McStay family murders? What do you find to be the most fascinating aspects? Let us know in the comments section.