American Horror Stories continues with the third episode of its second installment of the anthology series, titled Drive.
Drive stars Bella Thorne as a woman named Marci who despite a surge of missing people decides to still go to the club. After having a night of fun, she has a scary and mysterious encounter that results in her deciding to investigate the situation for herself.
Right off the bat, it is nice to have an episode of the season that doesn’t have anything supernatural happen, as it can be taxing and get to feel incredibly repetitive when everything deals with the supernatural. However, this episode has a problem that has been seen throughout the anthology series in that it feels extremely rushed.
The episode is only roughly 39 minutes, and while everything is pretty simplistic and straightforward, the first half of Drive is stretched out, causing the second half of the episode to be rushed and unsatisfying. There is something interesting to be had here regarding the episode’s story, which I won’t get into because of spoilers. All I’ll say is that it is incredibly wasted because the writing only allows for Drive’s final moments to revolve around it, leaving the viewer unsatisfied. I couldn’t help but think that I wanted the episode to have revolved more around what happens in the ending, as most of the moments leading up to this drag on and on with boring and cliche moments that add nothing to the story; it feels a lot like filler.

How does American Horror Stories’ Drive compare to the previous two episodes?
Now don’t get me wrong, Drive is by no means a bad episode of television; it just isn’t one that stands out, making it the most forgettable episode of the three thus far. The idea for the story is not bad, and the actual episode does have its redeeming qualities; however, this simply cannot save the episode, especially when compared to the previous two.
Thus far, American Horror Stories has proven with its second installment that the series’ writers have exciting ideas that unfortunately cannot be appropriately executed thanks to the runtime of their episodes and poor planning around said runtime. Hopefully, we’ll be on an upward trajectory from here, as we aren’t even halfway done with the season yet, but only time can tell.
What did you think about Drive? How are you feeling about the season thus far? Let us know down below!