Amazon Prime: My Best Friend’s Exorcism streaming in time for Halloween

My Best Friend's Exorcism - Courtesy Amazon Prime Video
My Best Friend's Exorcism - Courtesy Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime’s film adaptation of the popular Grady Hendrix novel My Best Friend’s Exorcism will be available to watch just in time for Halloween.

Hendrix may be known to some of our readers due to his best-selling 2014 novel Horrorstor, or his acclaimed Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of ‘70s and ‘80s Horror Fiction, which was released in 2017. Paperbacks from Hell was a love letter to the lurid horror novels of that 20-year time span, and included photos of the paperback book covers as well as plot breakdowns and info about the authors.

These novels had titles like The Nest, The Succubus and Miss Finney Kills Now and Then, and I have great affection for them. I cut my young horror-loving teeth on many of them; despite the fact that I was still a kid, I was a voracious reader who picked up whatever books my parents read and just dug in.

But the year before he wrote Paperbacks from Hell, Hendrix penned My Best Friend’s Exorcism, a horror novel that introduces us to Abby and her best friend Gretchen. The two girls became fast friends in 1982, when Gretchen was the only attendee at Abby’s 10th birthday party, held at a skating rink.

My Best Friend's Exorcism

In 1988, the girls are sophomores in high school, and, as high schoolers will do, they have a little party with some friends and make some questionable decisions. The end result is that Gretchen starts to act different, and Abby begins to suspect that her best friend may be possessed.

To borrow from the ’80s vernacular, the trailer for My Best Friend’s Exorcism looks “totally rad”!

I really love the trailer for My Best Friend’s Exorcism, it looks like a fun, but still scary film with a definite ‘80s vibe. That fun/scary feel may be due to the fact that the producer is Christopher Landon, who was the writer/director of Happy Deathday 2 U and Freaky.

Abby is played by Elsie Fisher, who played Lila in Netflix’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel that debuted earlier this year. Amiah Miller plays Gretchen, and you may know her from House by the Lake or Lights Out.

My Best Friend’s Exorcism premieres on September 30 with an R-rating, so this won’t be a soft horror film, it should still have some good special effects and, hopefully, some intensity. Watch the trailer and tell us what you think!

Does My Best Friend’s Exorcism sound like the perfect fun and scary horror film to you? Give us your thoughts in the comments section.