For those who have somehow overlooked this absolutely fantastic series, The Haunting of Hill House, created by Mike Flanagan, is a fascinating look at not only how a ghost story can be told but how people can react to trauma. While most horror movies and shows focus on the horrific events that are occurring to its characters, Hill House instead concentrates on the impact of said events.
The Haunting of Hill House is a horror series that is able to speak to everyone.
Unlike most other horror stories that are being told to audiences The Haunting of Hill House allows audiences that may not be huge fans of the genre to get their foot in the door. Now this doesn’t mean that this show doesn’t have plenty of scares for horror fans to enjoy. I mean, it’s famous for having one of the biggest jump scares in modern horror history. However, the story of The Haunting of Hill House grounds itself to be a place where movie and television fans of all types can come in and relate to its characters.
The Haunting of Hill House goes back and forth in time between the 1990s when the Crain family went through the horrible events at Hill House and the present day when the Crain family is still reeling from the events. The focus of the series is on the Crain children, who are all dealing with their trauma in different ways. Whether it be denial, drugs, closing yourself off, becoming a control freak, or acceptance, there is sure to be a method of dealing with trauma that will resonate with the viewer.
Though this is an essential aspect of the series, and one that makes it easier for audiences to access, there is still plenty of horror for audiences to sink their teeth into. Hill House is an already iconic horror location, one that is filled with exciting ghosts and other things that go bump in the night. Also yes, the series does use the horror trope of jump scares, but thankfully doesn’t over-rely on them; instead choosing to rely on creating atmosphere in order to really frighten the audience.
Ultimately, The Haunting of Hill House is a fantastic series that anyone, not just horror fans, can watch. It is a great entry point for those who are curious about the genre, as even though the series does have its scares, that isn’t what the show is focused on. Instead the focus is on trauma and emotional baggage, something everyone can relate to.

Are you looking for where The Haunting of Hill House can be watched?
As the series clocks in at ten episodes, with each episode being around an hour, if you want to check out The Haunting of Hill House for the Halloween season, now might be the time to start. As the series is a Netflix original, all episodes can be checked out on that streaming service. And if you like this series, you might want to also check out the companion series The Haunting of Bly Manor, as well as the series Midnight Mass, which Mike Flanagan also created.
Have you checked out The Haunting of Hill House? If so let us know what your thoughts are down below!