I was tragically late to the party for Malignant, and only watched it recently. As we all know, horror groups in social media LOVE to pick apart new films, and this one seemed to get a lot of disdain in the groups I belong to; as a result, I didn’t rush to watch it right away.
When I finally sat down to watch Malignant, I absolutely loved it! I adore a good slow burn, but I also adore an action-packed bloodfest, and this film delivered on both counts. The buildup was slow, and the last 10-15 minutes were INSANE.
Madison is a pregnant woman with an abusive husband. Having suffered miscarriages in the past, she is hoping this baby will actually see the light of day, but that hope is shattered when her husband slams her into the wall, and she takes a serious blow to the back of her head. When she comes to, she locks herself in the bedroom, and goes to sleep (despite the fact that she is bleeding from the head wound she sustained).
Madison has what she believes to be a dream, wherein her husband is violently murdered by a strange man, but when she wakes up, she finds out the attack actually happened. Then she herself is attacked by the man, and rendered unconscious. In the hospital, it’s believed that her injuries came from the home invasion, and she is interviewed by police detectives.

We find out that Madison was adopted, and has a connection to several doctors who are now being murdered by the same man who killed her husband. Really, that’s all I want to tell you about the bonkers plot for Malignant. I am so glad I went into the film knowing very little about the storyline, and I wish the same for everyone else who may be watching it for the first time.
I have to say, I did figure out the twist, but honestly, that did not at all affect my enjoyment at watching the story play out. I in no way figured out HOW the reveal and the finale would play out, and sat there watching with my mouth open and my heart racing. Malignant has great special effects, tons of gore, and actors who give it their all.
Malignant is streaming on HBO Max.
Are you in the “I love it” or the “I hate it” camp for Malignant? Please your case in the comments section.