Well, the first season of Shudder’s The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Titans is over, and what a ride this has been! *WARNING: If you have not watched the finale, and do not want to know yet who the winner was, you may want to revisit this article after you have watched. It’s the only way to avoid spoilers!
Let’s start by discussing the cast members, who were designated as the best of the best by the Boulets. Dragula: Titans was all about recognizing strong performers who did not win a regular Dragula season.
Yovska: Technically, Yovska was the second one to be eliminated, but they were eliminated after the Revenge of the Witch floor show.
Kendra Onixxx: Kendra fell victim to messy costume choices, even though she gave some strong performances. She was definitely one of the funniest contestants, so I missed her after she was cut in the third episode.
Erika Klash: Erika let their insecurities get the best of them and underperformed in the Dungeons and Drag Queens 2 challenge. They gained my respect by winning that horrifying spicy food challenge!
Abhora: Abhora had quite the experience this season! They were eliminated in the first episode, but immediately brought back by the Boulets at the beginning of episode two. There was a lot of big drama around them, and they were ultimately cut for good after the Zombie Prom challenge. Abhora just had a hard time sticking to the word and letter of the challenges.
Melissa Befierce: This elimination hurt. Melissa was going through a heart-wrenching breakup, compounded by not trusting her fellow competitors, and she had a breakdown during episode 7. She decided to quit, but was then eliminated by the Boulets.
Evah Destruction: Episode 8 saw the demise of two uglies (one of them being Evah), as penance for keeping both HoSo and Eva in episode six. I really couldn’t blame the Boulets for keeping all of the Dragula: Titans competitors in that episode though, because the Ugly Ladies of Wrestling was SUCH a strong floor show!
Astrud Aurelia: Astrud was also eliminated in episode eight, after creating a Predator costume for the Horror Icons Reanimated challenge. By that time, they were starting to crack under the pressure and had admitted to not feeling they deserved to win while hooked up to the lie detector.
Koco Caine: Koco was one of the most entertaining performers for this season of Dragula: Titans. She was blunt, funny, and had the biggest bosom of them all. But ultimately, there could only be one winner, and her Black Widow Spider look, while very creative, wasn’t enough to win her the crown.

HoSo Terra Toma: HoSo came so close to winning the last season of Dragula, and came just as close to winning the Titans crown. She was the center of a love triangle that provided some drama this season, and presented consistently strong looks and performances, but was again not chosen as the winner.
Victoria Elizabeth Black: Vikki is the first Dragula: Titans winner! And it was well deserved, because her costumes and prosthetics were jaw-dropping. The look she created for the Science Fiction Horror Double Feature challenge left me speechless, and her glamorous Zombie Prom look was both gorgeous and horrifying. I may be a bit biased, because she is based in my hometown of Orlando, but I really believe she earned her place at the top.
How was Dragula: Titans different from Dragula?
I was initially skeptical about Dragula: Titans, because I didn’t see how it could be all that different from a regular season of Dragula. But, the fear feats were definitely gag-worthy (bobbing for apples in a bucket of blood and entrails), horrifying (being submerged in a locked cell that was filling up with water) and entertaining (being hooked up to a lie detector that shocked you if you lied).
It was easy to see that the walk up the stairway of souls and the sudden shocking drop experienced by whomever was being eliminated truly shook up the contestants. Several of them really let the competition get to them personally as well, and I was crying along with Melissa when she had her emotional breakdown.
Those floor show competitions were top notch too. My favorites were the Ugly Ladies of Wrestling, Zombie Prom and the finale, in which each of the final three had to create a look that incorporated the four Dragula principles of Drag, Filth, Horror and glamour while lip-syncing to the Boulet Brothers’ own single, Ascension.
Next up is the Dragula: Titans World Tour, and yours truly is really hoping to be able to attend the show when it comes to Orlando in April!
Do you think Victoria Black deserved to win the Titans crown, or do you think one of the other contestants was more deserving? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.