“That’s freaking terrifying,” Cindy Kaza says when Steve Shippy plays back an EVP they catch during their investigation of the Michigan Hell House.
Shippy calls the 1970s haunting of the house on Dice Road in Merrill, Michigan, the most prolific poltergeist case that no one’s ever heard of. Which is true. It’s the first Shock Docs that isn’t inspired by a well-known true crime case that Shippy and Kaza have explored together.
This Shock Docs might change that. It relies on conveying the story through first-person accounts, re-enactments, and an investigation by Shippy and Kaza. It’s during an investigation that they catch the EVP that freaks Kaza out.
Prior to really delving into the case in earnest, Shippy took her to do a baseline reading of the house. But while they were there, they experienced some activity and decided to do an impromptu investigation. That’s when they caught the startling EVP.
But it wasn’t the only alarming thing caught on tape. It was definitely the most menacing, but there was another tape that also caught a chilling moment.
Let’s start with what the EVP said.
The EVP that terrified Cindy Kaza

During the impromptu investigation outside of the house, Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza had seen a white orb float by one of the house’s windows. They knew no one was home, so they went to get a better look. That’s when their equipment started going off.
Shippy pulled out his voice recorder and set it on the window sill as he asked the following questions:
- “Can you tell us your name?”
- “Why do you watch people when they sleep?”
In the playback, after the second question, an evil-sounding female voice hissed, “You’re all gonna die.”
Kaza gasped and declared, “Steve, that’s the scariest BLEEP that I’ve ever heard.”
Then they listened to it again.
“I’m not kidding,” Kaza says after the second time. “That’s terrifying.”
“That’s the worst EVP I ever caught,” Shippy agrees. “That’s disturbing as hell.”
“Seriously,” Kaza says. “That is so messed up. I’m shaking because that…that legitimately scared me. I am so freaked out.”
“Yeah. That’s disturbing as hell,” Shippy agrees. Then he warns, “Everyone’s going to have to be real careful moving forward on this one. I mean, you want to talk about an omen?
“It’s not safe,” Cindy confirms. “For real.”
To which Shippy completely agrees.
If you’ve watched any ghost hunting shows at all, you know a lot of times the EVPs the investigators catch are about as clear as mud. I mean, they might sound clear to them in the moment, but they don’t always translate well for the viewing audience.
This one does. For maybe the first time ever, I didn’t even need the captions to make out what it said. There was no mistaking, “You’re all gonna die.”
This was probably the most goosebump-inducing recording, but there was also another creepy one Shippy dug up.
Most terrifying Hell House moment caught on tape
Professor Jerry Solfvin, a former senior researcher at the Psychical Research Foundation, investigated the house on Dice Road when the Pomeraning family was experiencing activity in 1975. Solfvin shared over 30 hours of tapes he’d made back then with Steve Shippy. That’s how Shippy discovered what he called “the most terrifying moment caught on tape.”
There was a lot of crazy activity happening in the home in the 1970s, including flying knives and three fires that started by themselves. Solfvin was there for one of them. In fact, one originated in the bathroom after he’d hung up his towel. It was his bath towel that spontaneously burst into flame.
The fire department was called and everyone evacuated the house. Solfvin’s equipment had still been running though, and it caught the moments everyone realized there was a fire, the sounds of them getting out, and the crackling of the flames.
So, yes, the terrifying moment the fire erupted unexplainably was caught on tape. Shippy had the fire department’s report that said there was no logical explanation for why the fire started, so he knew it had really happened; but hearing it took the claim to a whole new level.
You can hear the EVP that terrified Cindy Kaza, and the fire caught on tape when Shock Docs: Michigan Hell House premieres on Travel Channel on Sunday, February 19 at 9 pm ET. It also streams the same day on discovery+.
What’s the scariest EVP you’ve ever heard on a TV ghost hunting show? Let us know in the comments section!