ReBroken is a powerful drama thriller, written by Kipp Tribble and directed by Kenny Yates, that explores the depths of grief, addiction and trauma for a man who has lost everything. Recently divorced father Will (Scott Hamm) is grieving the loss of his daughter Shelly while using group sessions to aid him. However, he finds them ultimately unhelpful and drinks himself into a stupor nightly. Upon meeting an interesting character from his group named Lydia (Nija Okoro), he is directed to a man in the woods who can cure his great loss. This takes Will reeling into a supernatural sinkhole as he does his best to process his immense grief while maintaining his grip on his own reality.
ReBroken is a trip into grief-induced misery.
ReBroken is a well-directed descent into the depths of a grief stricken brain and it plays out like a sort of puzzle. As a viewer, you are constantly trying to sort out the labyrinthic memories and flow of Will and his mental space. The viewer shares a perspective with Will, trying to figure out what is going on at the same time he is. This perspective keeps you locked in and curious for the full duration. The writing by Kipp Tribble, who also does an excellent job acting in this film, is the star of the show. Watching this film feels like slowly solving a riddle and Tribble does an excellent job of slowly raising the stakes as we get closer to the climax. Like an anaconda, he squeezes you in a measured way before rocketing into a final surge that knocks everything on its head. ReBroken feels like a detective caper with subtle hints and tips given to the audience as it winds along before the third acts rears its climactic head, and while the build can feel a bit plodding at times, the payoff and final act of the film is crisp and excellent, tying the loose ends neatly together.

Scott Hamm gives a measured and emotional performance, conveying his grief and confusion effortlessly. As the stakes raise and the mystery ensues, Hamm’s performance becomes more chaotic and unhinged. It’s a very powerful physical manifestation of grief executed at a high level. Another smart decision made by ReBroken is the choice to cast Tobin Bell as Von. Obviously, the man behind adored villain Jigsaw is heralded as iconic by genre fans. While Bell does a fantastic job in his physical appearances throughout, his voice is yet again the most prevalent part of his character. Using such a recognizable and celebrated voice in a fresh and unique way was a masterful decision and helped make this world feel all the more authentic. I would have loved to see a little more from Alison Haislip as Bella. She had an excellent performance in her limited screen time.

All things considered, ReBroken feels like a fresh and original dive into the trauma of grief and all that comes along with it. With how many times these themes have been explored, it’s wildly impressive that films like this can find fresh angles to take on them. Coupled with a few very refined performances, and some classic voice and acting work from horror legend Tobin Bell, ReBroken should be high up on your list as it hits digital this week on March7th. Don’t miss this promising entry that mixes the ideas of a promising director and writer with a true titan of the genre.
Will you be tuning into ReBroken to see legend Tobin Bell? Sound off in the comments below…