Who is The Widow? As the end of the fifth season of Slasher draws near, we’re that much closer to finding out. Bonus: We won’t even have to wait a week after the penultimate episode to get the answer. The two-episode Slasher: Ripper season finale premieres on Shudder and AMC+ on Thursday, May 11.
Double bonus: 1428 Elm has an exclusive sneak peek from episode 7! Does it give us any clues about The Widow’s identity?
In the clip, we see the enigmatic magician, Georges (Thom Allison), horrified after discovering his assistant, Shanika (Mercedes Morris), in the midst of preparing to leave.
“You…you can’t leave,” he says. “We’re entwined. We’ve done so much together.”
“Too much,” she replies. “Things have gone too far and…”
“And what?”
“And I’m afraid for my life,” she says.
Which, let’s be fair, she should be. As she points out, everyone around her is dying.
Georges tries to reassure her by asking, “Do you think I’d allow anything to hurt you?”
To which she replies disdainfully, “You practically called it down on us. All your alchemy and satanic hoodoo.”
She then says how it used to be fun until he took it too far. Georges gets very upset over that and says it’s not him. It’s her. Margaret Mehar.
Shanika can’t accept that, pointing out that Margaret is dead, which prompts a crazy look to overcome Georges.
“Is she?” he asks, eyes wide. “What does dead even mean? Hmm? The dead walk among us.”
With a look of pity on her face, Shanika says sorrowfully, “This occult devilry has muddled your mind.”
Reading about the scene is one thing. You can watch the clip below and find descriptions for the Slasher: Ripper season finale’s last two episodes. Let’s take a look.

Slasher: Ripper episode 7: “Divine Secrets”
Here is the description from Shudder:
"With Kenneth’s list of suspects either jailed or buried, he sets his sights on the sly magician Georges, who is slowly losing his grip on reality. A final bloody performance of Georges exposes the Widow’s hand."
Slasher: Ripper episode 8: “Vengeance”
"With the Widow’s final victim nearly in her clutches, Kenneth’s time is running out. However, upon revealing the killer’s identity he grapples with how to bring justice to the victims."
Slasher: Ripper season finale exclusive sneak peek
Who do you think The Widow is? And what have you thought about this season of Slasher? We’d love to know. Leave a comment sharing your thoughts!