On the third episode in the fifth season of the award-winning vampire mockumetary series What We Do in the Shadows, Nandor and Laszlo help out their human friend Sean host a Pride Parade because he’s running for a local government position.
Sean Rinaldi is the human neighbor of the vampires and the blood suckers have taken a real liking to him as shown in previous seasons. He’s like their prized basset hound.
When Sean tells them that he’s running for Staten Island comptroller, they’re all eager to help him despite not really knowing what that is. But Sean thinks it’s a great idea since he thinks the weird lifestyle of the vamps are all part of them being in the LGBTQ community.
Guillermo, who’s actually a real gay vampire who is still in the closet (or coffin now), looks at this campaign to cozy up to the gay market askance and with great doubt. Laszlo however is all in and even volunteers to make the floats.

Highlights and review of What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3: A body switch
Meantime, Nadja Doll is still in the doldrums because real Nadja crushed her legs in a drunken binge. The Guide offers to switch them up ala Freaky Friday so the doll can actually experience having a body and also have all the intercourse she wants—because the dolly is still a virgin.
Real Nadja is reluctant but she does owe the doll plenty. They do the switcheroo.
Nadja then takes the doll, now in her own body, to a speed dating event. It goes badly and they get thrown out by the organizers.
Out of ideas, real Nadja approves the move for her dolly to actually just do the nasty withy Colin Robinson.
Laszlo meantime is very intrigued about why Guillermo’s change into full vamp has been so delayed. He conducts experiments to find out why. Guillermo passes some and fails others. He even manages some minor telekinesis.
Nandor becomes very suspicious that they’re spending so much time together, surmising that his familiar has fallen under the charming spell of his house mate.

Highlights and review of What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3: Rice vs vamps
To compensate, Nandor insinuates himself into disproving the myths and legends surrounding their kind. Apparently vamps are compelled to count every grain of rice if you spill a sack in front of them. Guillermo has zero motivation for it though.
Things make a turn for the egotistical when Nandor tells Laszlo that he can fly up to outer space, exceeding the myth that vamps can only fly as high as the lowest cloud in the area.
While Nandor is prepping to his way to space, Laszlo has discovered that Guillermo’s sweat plus some chemicals can effectively protect him from sunlight for a short time. He makes Guillermo sweat out three gallons and then makes what is basically a Daywalker ointment from them.
It works! Laszlso goes outside and converses with Sean and the rest of the humans making the comptroller campaign Pride Parade float. He borrows a lawn chair and goes to the beach.

Highlights and review of What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3: Laszlo goes to the beach!
Laszlo even wades out to the water and stops when it’s nearly knee high. What a great day for a blood sucker who’s hundreds of years old to be able to enjoy the sun and sea.
Meantime Nandor is determined to impress Guillermo and fly to space. He even reluctantly admits it to the docu crew. When he launches off, the docu team have strapped him with a GoPro on his head and one on a selfie stick to record his ascent.
Since Doll Nadja refuses to switch back with Real Nadja Colin Robinson volunteers to be put into Nadja’s body to convince her to go. It’s hilarious physical comedy to see Colin and Doll Nadja try to take control of Real Nadja’s body.

Highlights and review of What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3: The comptroller campaign
That night, at Sean Rinaldi’s Pride Parade festivities, Laszlo comes out and entertains the crowd with his jokes. His face is frighteningly red and blistered from being out in the sun.
Then Nadja comes out but it’s Doll Nadja and Colin Robinson. The crowd freaks out when they see the face of the energy vamp behind the head and hair of the vamp woman. That’s pretty freaky, I must admit.
Up in the stratosphere, Nandor does indeed make it to space and then, just as quickly, he falls back and his descent into the atmosphere lights him up in flames.

Highlights and review of What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3: Nandor’s back from space
That’s some tough GoPros the prod crew have strapped on him.
He then crashes into the back of the stage, clothes and cameras all burned off. Huh, what do you know? Since they don’t need oxygen, vampires CAN fly to outer space.
With all that hoopla the parade kicks off and the floats go down the streets of Staten Island. At the back of one of the floats, Guillermo holds up a sign with GAY GUY on it and tries to have fun.