Shudder finally made the announcement fans of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs have been waiting for! That’s right, The Last Drive-In has returned for a sixth season that is described by Shudder as “supersized.”
Season six will consist of more than 30 titles, which is a record for the series. Although we didn’t realize it at the time, the new season of The Last Drive-In began on September 15 with The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon special.
We also have two Halloween-themed specials coming up in October, the annual Christmas special in December, and February will bring another Valentine’s Day special. Then in March of 2024, we are getting the return of Joe Bob’s regular format, which is like a watch party with JB, Darcy and the rest of The Last Drive-In crew.
According to Shudder’s press release, season six proper will feature single titles and some special surprises.
Says Joe Bob:
"“As everyone knows, you should never invite me into your home, because I always show up. Shudder has graciously invited me to stick around for a sixth year, and I intend to use that kindness to haunt your phones, laptops and big-screen TVs with the most ghastly examples of perversity in the history of cinema, plus a few old jokes and some celebrity guests who will still return our phone calls. Put it all together and it spells PARTAY.”"

As most fans know, Joe Bob first came to Shudder in July of 2018, when he presented a 27-hour marathon of iconic “drive-in” horror movies. Although this was intended to be his final turn at hosting these types of films in his eclectic style, the marathon famously broke the internet, and Shudder invited him to return with a weekly double feature.
The Last Drive-In continues to dominate Twitter on Friday nights.
In addition to The Last Drive-In, which continuously brings in viewers, those of who are fans have been treated to holiday specials. We have seen standard holiday films such as Black Christmas, and holiday features that aren’t even holiday-related, such as Phantasm.
If you have never watched the series, there is no better time to start! You can expect the dynamic duo of Joe Bob and Darcy the Mail Girl and their ragtag crew, including Yuki and John Brennan to entertain us with silliness, shenanigans and trivia. You will also watch interesting interviews with iconic horror figures (prior episodes have included the likes of Tom Savini, Eli Roth and Clint Howard), and see some well-known and lesser-known films, punctuated during breaks by snappy banter. Mostly, you will be entertained the drive-in way.