Dark Sky Films has shared the official trailer and stills for the upcoming psychological thriller Birdeater, an award-winning Australian movie directed by Jack Clark and Jim Weir. The film premiered at the Sydney Film Festival in 2023 and later at the 2024 South by Southwest Festival. Starting on Tuesday, January 10, Birdeater will be available to watch on digital and in select theaters in the United States.
Irene and Louie are about to get married when Irene receives a rare invitation to join her fiancé and his friends at the stag party in a remote location in the Australian Outback. Girls are rarely invited to these fabled events, and as the night begins spiraling out of control, it becomes apparent why. The synopsis reveals that "uncomfortable details" about the engaged couple will come to light, causing the celebration to become "a feral nightmare."
Reviewers have praised the movie for its take on toxic masculinity. Although it is uncomfortable to watch, viewers will be riveted nonetheless.
The cast of Birdeater includes Mackenzie Fearnley, Shabana Azeez, Ben Hunter, Jack Bannister, Clementine Anderson, Alfie Gledhill, Harley Wilson, and Caroline McQuade. Clark wrote the script for the film and directs alongside Weir, with Stephanie Troost and Ulysses Oliver producing.
Here is a list of all of the theaters where Birdeater will be playing, with additional theaters to be added at a later date.
- Albuquerque: Guild Cinema
- Austin: Alamo Drafthouse Mueller Austin Mueller
- Boston: Alamo Drafthouse Boston Seaport
- Chicago: Alamo Drafthouse Wrigleyville
- Columbus: Gateway Film Center
- Dallas: Alamo Drafthouse Denton
- Denver: Alamo Westminster
- Los Angeles: Alamo Drafthouse Downtown Los Angeles
- Los Angeles: Laemmle Glendale
- New York: Alamo Drafthouse Lower Manhattan
- New York: IFC Center
- Phoenix: Harkins Gateway Pavilions
Starting on January 10, Birdeater will be available to rent or buy on Apple TV, Fandango at Home, Google Play (US & CA), Microsoft Movies & TV (US & CA), and Prime Video.