We're nearing the end of Agatha All Along, and we're not quite ready to say goodbye just yet. The last episode was all about learning Teen's true identity of how he became to be Billy Maximoff. In that episode, the coven didn't face a trial on the Witches' Road.
However, in episode 7, the story is back on track, and it's time for the next trial. Who's trial is it, though? Here's a recap of everything that happened in episode 7, titled "Death's Hand in Mine."
Spoilers from Agatha All Along episode 7 ahead!

The seventh episode opens with Lilia falling into somewhere unknown while dressed in princess attire. The episode then cuts to Agatha and Billy having a conversation while continuing down the Road. Billy asks Agatha where Rio is, but Agatha refuses to answer and tells him to ask another question. During their conversation, Billy mentions that Wanda Maximoff is not his mom and that he has a mom. I wonder why he has a grudge against Wanda.
Billy then asks Agatha if Wanda is really dead. Agatha replies by saying that she is but then changes her answer to maybe. She tells Billy that she saw a body but wasn't sure if anyone else has as well. Finally, they've reached where the next trial will take place and it looks like a castle from a fairytale.
They enter the castle and their clothes immediately change. Agatha is now dressed as Wicked Witch of the West while Billy is dressed as Maleficent. On a stone table in the middle of the room are tarot cards which Billy picks up. As soon as he picks them up, a timer starts, signaling that the trial has begun.
Billy decides to do Agatha's reading, but as soon as he places the first card down, a sword falls from the ceiling and strikes the floor. They look up towards the ceiling to see a bunch of swords hanging, and they soon realize that if they place a card in the wrong sequence, another sword will drop. Agatha carelessly starts slamming down cards on the table, which causes the ceiling hanging with swords to start coming down.
Then, we're taken back to Lilia but this time Jen is with her now. It looks like we're seeing what happened to them after they sunk into the mud trap in episode 5. They're in some sort of tunnel, trying to make their way out. Lilia asks Jen where they are, which confuses Jen because just moments ago Lilia had told her that they needed to follow the tunnel and find shelving to get out.
Lilia starts asking where Agatha and Rio are, and just as Jen is about to respond to her, Lilia cuts her off by saying that Teen kicked them off the Road. Jen corrects her by saying that the son of the Scarlet Witch kicked them off the Road. Lilia asks Jen how she knows Teen is the Scarlet Witch's son, but after looking at Jen's confused face, she realizes that she was the one who told her. What's going on with Lilia's memory?
Lilia and Jen talk while trekking through the tunnel. Jen tells Lilia that she's acting extra "wispy" We're then taken to the scene in episode 4 where Lilia asked Alice if she's wispy or kooky. The episode then cuts to the scene in episode 3 when Lilia yells out to Agatha "Try to save Agatha." Suddenly, a voice is heard saying, "Lilia, what do you see?" We're taken back to the Renaissance era where an old woman asks this question to a younger Lilia.
A young Lilia responds back in Sicilian, and the older woman tells her that she's visiting before she asks her how long it's been. The Lilia we know replies back by saying, "Centuries." The old woman then proceeds to tell her that they're about to have their first lesson on tea leaves. Lilia looks into a cup sitting on the table in front of her, and suddenly, we're taken back to the tunnel where she and Jen are trying to find a way out.
Jen accuses Lilia of being confused again, but Lilia yells at her that she isn't. After arguing for a bit, Lilia opens up to Jen about her life. She explains to her that the flow of time is an illusion and that when she was a child she experienced her life out of sequence. She tells her that she would get flashes or gaps and now it's starting to happen to her again and it's worse. Jen asks her why it's getting worse, and Lilia responds by saying that maybe it's because she's getting close to the end.
Suddenly, Lilia and Jen are pulled into the trial in the castle with Agatha and Billy. Lilia is dressed in the princess attire that we saw earlier in the episode, but now we can really tell that she's dressed as Glinda the Good Witch. Jen is dressed as the hag form of the Evil Queen. When Lilia appears at the trial, she finds Agatha on top of her. She was trying to save her from one of the swords falling on her.
Once Lilia gets up off the ground, she approaches Billy and pins him against the wall. Billy starts apologizing to Lilia and reads her mind. Lilia stares deeply into Billy's eyes and begins to remember who he is. Well, she remembers meeting him/William Kaplan for the first time at his bar mitzvah. After freaking out for a bit, Lilia snaps into action to figure out how to beat the trial.
Billy asks Lilia if she was the person to put the sigil on him and Lilia admits that it was her. She tells him that she saw what was going to happen to him that night of the bar mitzvah and knew he needed time. Suddenly, swords start falling from the ceiling, signaling that time is running out on the trial.
Then, there's a flashback to the cabin scene from episode 5 when everyone was freaking out and Lilia was having random outbursts. Another flashback is shown from episode 1 when Agatha and Billy went to Lilia's shop to ask her for help. Then, we're taken back to the old woman again.
The old woman asks Lilia about her current life and if she has a coven. Lilia answers her before asking her how to control what's happening. The old woman replies by telling her that her task it not to control but to see. Then, we cut back to the tunnel where Lilia and Jen are still trekking through. Lilia finds Billy's spell book on the ground and puts it away. Jen asks her how she got what happened to her when she was younger to stop, and Lilia tells her that she ignored it. Jen asks her why she chose to ignore it, and Lilia says because all she saw was death.
Suddenly, Billy and Agatha's voices can be heard. Lilia and Jen look around and find shelving, which means they made it to the next trial. They stumble through the door to see Agatha and Billy arguing. Now that Lilia knows what she needs to do to complete the trial, she sits down and gives Billy his reading. Everything seems to be going well until she places the magician card down, and a sword falls from the ceiling. After placing a couple of more cards down, more and more swords start falling down.
We cut back to Lilia sitting with the old woman. In this scene, we find out that the old woman was a part of Lilia's original coven that was wiped out by a fever. Lilia asks her when she will die and the old woman just stares at her. It then clicks for Lilia. Her time on Earth is almost up. The old woman asks her what she will do with her remaining time.
The episode cuts back to the tunnel, but this time around, we're seeing the scene when Lilia and Jen first land in the tunnel after sinking in the mud trap. Lilia explains to Jen that Agatha and Billy are doing the Divination trial aka her trial and they need their help. They look around the tunnel and their are two routes to go. One route is a way off the Road while the other will take them to the trial. As Jen contemplates on what she wants to do, the Salem Seven start appearing. They hide until they go away and then Jen decides to join Lilia on the route to the trial.
Now, we're back in the castle where the trial is taking place. Lilia now knows what she did wrong the first time. She wasn't supposed to read for anyone else. She was supposed to do her own reading. She starts placing each card in her hand in its correct place on the table as the ceiling with the swords hanging from it continues to descend. She finally gets to the Destination card and we're taken back to when she and Jen first landed in the tunnel. Lilia wakes up while Jen is still unconscious. She looks around the tunnel and sees a hooded figure walking towards them.
The mysterious person asks her if she remembers them and Lilia takes a moment to think about it. After thinking over everything, she realizes that the hooded figure is Rio aka Death! We cut back to the trial with Lilia holding the Death card in her hand. The ceiling is about to crush everyone, so Agatha quickly grabs the Death card out of Lilia's hand and places it in its spot. The ceiling with swords hanging from it stops descending and goes back up. An exit appears in the room, meaning that the trial is officially over.
Lilia reveals to everyone that Rio is Death/the original Green Witch. Of course, Agatha already knows this, though. Unfortunately, they don't have time to discuss what was just shared because the Salem Seven are quickly approaching. As everyone leaves out the exit back to the Road, Lilia chooses to sacrifice herself for the coven by staying behind to defeat the Salem Seven once and for all.
She flips The Tower card over on the stone table, which turns the room upside down. The witches go flying, landing on the swords. However, Lilia manages to grab onto the stone table to stop from landing on a sword as well. But just when you think everything is going to be okay and Lilia is going to survive, she lets go of the table and falls to the ground. This is the scene we saw at the beginning of the episode. Although her death isn't shown, it's implied that she dies after landing on a sword like the other witches.
The last scene of the episode shows a young Lilia running to meet with the old woman for her first lesson on tea leaves.
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