Brian Fanelli

Brian Fanelli

Brian Fanelli has been a proud contributor to 1428 Elm since the spring of 2023. Since then, he's conducted several interviews, written many reviews, and opined on various trends in the horror genre. Brian is a member of the Horror Writers Association, the Pop Culture Association, and the Northeast Modern Language Association. He has his M.F.A. from Wilkes University and his Ph.D. from SUNY Binghamton University. Brian's writing has been widely published, including in the LA Times, World Literature Today, Horror Buzz, Horror Homeroom, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Signal Horizon Magazine, Bright Lights Film Journal, and elsewhere. Currently, Brian is an Associate Professor of English at Lackawanna College, where he teaches creative writing and literature, including a class on the horror genre.

MOM Production Still

Emily Hampshire delivers a dark performance in the otherwise uneven MOM (spoiler-free review)

Brian Fanelli

The Wolf Man - Courtesy Shudder

Why the Wolf Man (1941) remains a sympathetic symbol of otherness

Brian Fanelli

Street Trash Production Still

Street Trash (2024): A goopy, gory social commentary

Brian Fanelli

Tiger Stripes

8 of our favorite foreign horror films from 2024

Brian Fanelli

Photo: Black Christmas.. Image Courtesy Shudder

Filthy Billy: Why Black Christmas at 50 remains so relevant

Brian Fanelli
Replicator Production Still

Replicator: A gnarly bit of body horror (spoiler-free review)

Brian Fanelli
They Live - Courtesy Shudder

Why John Carpenter’s They Live speaks to our current political landscape

Brian Fanelli
Love Bomb Production Still

Love Bomb: Beware the deadly dating app (spoiler-free review)

Brian Fanelli
He Never Left Production Still

He Never Left: A sharp and entertaining slasher (spoiler-free review)

Brian Fanelli
My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock. Image Courtesy Cohen Media Group.

My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock: An intriguing watch for film fans

Brian Fanelli
Ghost Game Production Still. Image Courtesy DREAD.

Interview with Ghost Game director Jill Gevarizian, plus stars Kia Dorsey and Zaen Haidar

Brian Fanelli
Ghost Game Production Still. Image Courtesy DREAD.

Michael C. Williams reflects on his career and his latest horror movie Ghost Game

Brian Fanelli
Abruptio - Courtesy Hellbent Pictures

Abruptio: Weirdly endearing horror puppetry (spoiler-free review)

Brian Fanelli

Friday the 13th. Image Courtesy Paramount Pictures, Shudder

It's got a death curse: Ranking all the Friday the 13th films

Brian Fanelli

Nosferatu - Kino Cult - Courtesy Kino Lorber/Giant Pictures

8 black-and-white horror movies perfect for spooky season

Brian Fanelli

Icon / VideoCreated with Sketch.

Milk & Serial: A surprising and clever found footage hit

Brian Fanelli