If the Nosferatu popcorn tin isn't enough for you, maybe consider purchasing a full-size replica sarcophagus, on sale now in the NBC store.
Focus Features has commissioned these special, hand-crafted items for diehard collectors who can afford the lofty price tag of $20,000 (before taxes and shipping). The sarcophaguses (sarcophagi?) are made to order. They will only be available for a limited run, but rest assured—they are the real deal, and each will include a Numbered Certificate of Authenticity.
Each casket has a distinctive interior fitted with a custom mattress and a foam lid to make it easier to clamber in and out of the thing, presumably at sundown. Weighing in at 250 pounds, these unique beds are sanded and hard-coated with a wooden base covered in intricate carvings.
This truly unique collectible item is just one of several released to promote the upcoming horror movie from director Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse). Among others are the aforementioned collectible popcorn tin, which is also shaped like a coffin, albeit a much smaller one than the bed. The NBC store also has other items for sale, such as hats, T-shirts, hoodies, and candles. Heretic Parfum has even released a special scent for those who want to smell like a vampire in addition to sleeping like one.
Nosferatu is a modern take on the fabled story of Count Orlok, portrayed by Bill Skarsgård in the upcoming film. It's a gothic tale about a troubled young woman (Lily-Rose Depp) and the ancient vampire obsessed with her. Nicholas Hoult, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Emma Corrin, Ralph Ineson, Simon McBurney, and Willem Dafoe also star.
Critics have been almost unanimous in praise of the movie, which currently holds a 95% approval score on Rotten Tomatoes and a Certified Fresh seal of approval.
Nosferatu will open exclusively in theaters on Christmas Day.