New Year's Eve has arrived and there is no better way to ring in 2025 than with help from some of the most iconic chilling horror movie moments which you can achieve by starting the movie at just the right moment tonight!
While watching the Ball Drop is always a fun way to welcome the new year, horror fans can look to kick 2025 off right by choosing one of these fourteen famous scary movie moments to usher in the new year. All you have to do is queue up the movie of your choice at the given times below:

“Here’s Johnny,” The Shining (1980)
Let Jack Nicholson’s petrifying performance “axe” 2024! Heeerrrreee’s 2025!
TIMESTAMP: 02:04:23
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY": 09:55:37 p.m.

“It’s alive!” Frankenstein (1931)
Begin your new year with new (unnatural, unholy) life!
TIMESTAMP: 00:25:07
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:34:53 p.m.

Shower, Psycho (1960)
Kazoos, clappers, gongs, and bells are too predictable. Wouldn’t you rather ring in the new year with (arguably) the most iconic musical sting in movie history?
TIMESTAMP: 00:47:43
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:12:17 p.m.

“They’re here,” Poltergeist (1982)
Quintessential creepy kid Carol Anne Freeling can announce the arrival of the new year for you this evening. (In this case, “they” probably means “fireworks.”)
TIMESTAMP: [00:24:30]
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:35:30 p.m.

“Be afraid. Be very afraid.” The Fly (1986)
Hopefully, the tagline for this commercial and critical success isn’t an actual warning for your future— but it can kick off your new year!
TIMESTAMP: 00:54:37
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:05:23 p.m.

“Good evening, Clarice.” The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
This oft-misquoted line is the perfect greeting for a horror fan on New Year’s Eve…especially if you happen to be named Clarice.
TIMESTAMP: 01:07:02
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 10:52:58 p.m.
Kane’s Chestburster, Alien (1979)
Get gross with this sci-fi scare that’s sure to be just as effective in 2025 as it was in 1979!
TIMESTAMP: 00:57:11
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:02:49 p.m.

“Groovy.” Evil Dead II (1987)
No matter what horrors 2025 has in store, may we all face the year ahead with the grit and good humor of Ash Williams!
TIMESTAMP: 01:07:20
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 10:52:40 p.m.

“The power of Christ compels you!” The Exorcist (1973)
Get the jump on demons this year by letting Father Karras and Father Merrin chant “The power of Christ compels you!” as the clock strikes midnight.
TIMESTAMP: 01:50:32
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 10:09:28 p.m.

Leatherface appears, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
This moment marks Leatherface’s first-ever onscreen appearance. If 2025’s arrival isn’t startling enough on its own, just add one of the most memorable jump scares of all time!
TIMESTAMP: 00:35:22
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:24:38 p.m.

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Jaws (1975)
With a whole new year looming already, Chief Brody’s famous sentiment feels appropriate.
TIMESTAMP: 01:21:27
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 10:38:33 p.m.

“What’s your favorite scary movie?” Scream (1996)
If your answer to this question is “Scream,” this is the perfect way for you to start 2025!
TIMESTAMP: 00:26:09
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:33:51 p.m.

“Get Out!” Get Out (2017)
If you want your first experience of 2025 to be the most chilling “roll credits” moment ever!
TIMESTAMP: 00:57:47
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 11:02:13 p.m.
“You’ve gotta be ****ing kidding.” The Thing (1982)
For a crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious beginning to 2025, look no further than this famous line from Palmer (not MacReady!).
TIMESTAMP: 01:17:22
WHEN TO PRESS “PLAY”: 10:42:38 p.m.
Want to make sure you don't miss the mark? Use an online clock like this one for telling time to the second. If you have a different moment in mind, use this easy calculator to determine when you need to start your movie!