From fans need to watch this Netflix show soon if they haven't yet

Dark | Netflix

Now that the From season 3 finale has finally aired in all its revelatory glory, we're entering a From-less era, meaning we won't get new episodes until 2026. The fourth season is officially happening and will begin filming in 2025, so it won't be a complete drought, as we're likely to get some teasers and photos shared during production next year. However, that doesn't replace the feeling of having a new episode to look forward to on a weekly basis.

That's why all From fans need to watch the German Netflix show Dark. It's only three seasons, but it is a complex and intricately plotted series that has a lot in common with From. It likely won't take you two years to watch it, but it will give you something new to fixate on to get you over the first hump of the From hiatus.

Let me preface this by saying there will be significant From spoilers below, and I'm keeping the Dark spoilers to a minimum.

Thankfully, Dark is a challenging show to spoil. Even if I did reveal a few major plot points here, you likely wouldn't understand or remember them while watching it. Dark is a series that requires 100% attention to keep up with all of its complexities.

The world of Dark takes place in the fictional German town Winden, with the story hinging on the initial disappearance of a child in the town's forest. It has been favorably compared to Stranger Things on many occasions. With the big reveals in From season 3, I think the From and Dark connections just got a lot stronger.

Dark and From share many similarities

In Dark, the story is much more focused on the relationships between characters as it's really about several different families and how they connect in regards to a generation-spanning time travel conspiracy.

Well, at the end of From season 3, we officially got confirmation that Julie can time travel at least in some capacity. We also know that Tabitha and Jade are versions of people who came before them in the town. Don't worry, that's not entirely like the Dark plot, but it's got a similar vibe for sure. Both shows even have a significant character wearing a yellow jacket!

The best part about Dark is that it's very well-written and extremely well-casted. Plus, it tells a complete story, and all of the episodes are available now, so no waiting between seasons!

I love From, but I think the writing is weak sometimes, and some of the performances are a little lacking. It's still a blast to watch, and I can't wait to see what comes next, but Dark on Netflix is a great way to distract yourself from the From hiatus for a little bit. Who knows? It might even inspire you to come up with some new From theories!

Dark is now on Netflix and From is avaialble on MGM+.