Joe Bob Briggs has had a busy month with two big announcements. The legendary Joe Bob, who now hosts The Last Drive-In on Shudder has a pretty big following of “Mutants” who will be very happy to hear his latest news.
Let’s start with his popular Shudder series, which will be premiering its seventh season in March. The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs began as what was intended to be JB’s swan song – a 24-hour marathon of classic drive-in fare that included such titles as Sleepaway Camp, Basket Case, Pieces and Tourist Trap.
So many people tuned in that Shudder, who knows a good thing when they see it, invited JB to come back for a series. Then came another season, and another…and now we are standing at the cusp of season seven.
The format has changed somewhat over time, going from once weekly double features for a 3-month season to eventually a single feature weekly. Now that format is changing again. The Last Drive-In will host one double feature per month for the entire year. Episodes will premiere the first Friday of each month, and will be available on demand the following Sunday.
When does season seven of The Last Drive-In begin?
The new season will premiere on Friday, March 7 at 9:00 p.m. ET. After that, you can catch new episodes on April 4, May 2, etc. Just as with the season premiere, you can view episodes on demand two days after their original air date.

Now for exciting news numero two-o (as Joe Bob would say):
In the 1990s, Joe Bob had a syndicated column called Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In, which ran in The New York Times. Each article focused on what he termed “drive-in” films, usually somewhat schlocky horror movies. The articles were funny and sharp, and anyone who loved horror at the time looked forward to reading them.
Now Joe Bob and drive-in archivist Ben Nagy have teamed up with Dark Horse to put those original columns under one hard cover so fans can read or read-them to their hearts’ content. The new volume will include illustrations by Mike Norton and Bill Crabtree, with a cover by Wallace McBride, and will feature a forward written by Stephen King himself.
Joe Bob proclaimed himself “thrilled that someone still cares about these little pieces dashed off for a daily newspaper four decades ago.”
Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In will go to print as an oversized hard cover book on October 14, and is available for pre-order from Amazon or many other book sellers.