6 things to remember before Evil season 4

The fourth and final season of Evil premieres on May 23, make sure to refresh your memory with our quick recap.
Christine Lahti as Sheryl Luria in Evil episode 10, season 3 streaming on Paramount+, 2022. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+
Christine Lahti as Sheryl Luria in Evil episode 10, season 3 streaming on Paramount+, 2022. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+

The fourth and, sadly, final, season of Evil is coming to Paramount+ this week, with the premiere dropping on Thursday, May 23.

But it has been almost two years since season 3 ended, you'd be forgiven for forgetting some key details that happened at the end of season 3. Below, we've highlighted a few of the biggest things to happen in the final climactic episodes of last season so you can be prepared for what's to come.

1. Leland steals Kristen's egg

The season 3 finale's biggest reveal is that Leland is the mysterious buyer of Kristen's missing egg from RSM Fertility. He implants it into a surrogate, and she's well on her way to giving birth, more than eight months along. This Rosemary's Baby twist will, supposedly, culminate in Leland becoming the father of the Antichrist. Kristen is horrified by her discovery, and, I imagine, feels incredibly violated.

2. The cats out of the bag concerning Sheryl

By solving the mystery of her missing egg, Kristen also gets a horrible wake-up call when she learns the truth about where Sheryl works, at the DF Global company with Leland. DF has been behind some of the issues we've seen this season, like the whole stock market episode. Obviously, Kristen is shocked to learn what her mother has been doing behind her back this whole time and I'm sure we'll see the consequences of that play out in season 4.

3. Andy returns home

Kristens' daughters ruin Leland and Sheryl's plans to dispose of Andy permanently by using Bumblebee Valley to draw a connection between Edward Targoren and Leland. Their plans to claim Andy died in an avalance are ruined and Andy finally returns home...with a twist.

Even though he is back, he has no memory of what happened to him during his time away, namely that Leland and Sheryl have kept him paralyzed and tucked away on a shelf. He's very much still under Leland's control, and the ending scene where he hallucinates (or is it real?) a bunch of the show's many demons is downright creepy, especially when Kurt appears, who is also on his own demonic downfall.

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Li Jun Li as Grace Ling in Evil episode 10, season 3 streaming on Paramount+, 2022. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+

4. Leland kills the Monsignor

In his effort to kill the supposed prophetess Grace Ling, Leland murders Monsignor Matthew Korecki. The Monsignor intervenes and tries to prevent Leland from killing Grace and gets himself killed in the scuffle sadly. Then Leland escapes before finishing off Grace. But it'll be interesting to see if he goes after her again in the fourth season.

5. Lynn wants to be a nun

Amid Kristen's own crisis of faith and her promise to take her daughters to mass every Sunday if Andy returns home alive, Lynn starts to consider becoming a nun herself and begins peppering Sister Andrea with questions as she cleanses their house of a demonic infestation. It'll be interesting to see how Kristen handles this moving forward, given her distaste of religious institutions.

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Katja Herbers as Kristen Bouchard and Mike Colter as David Acosta in Evil episode 10, season 3 streaming on Paramount+, 2022. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+

6. David and Kristen's relationship

I think season 3 is an important one regarding the relationship between David and Kristen. Shippers might be disappointed that they haven't gotten together (he is a priest, after all, guys!), but Kristen does tell David she loves him. Maybe not romantically, but he's one of the most important people in her life. In the finale, she also admits she has feelings for David, though who knows how that's going to play out.

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