Ghost Adventures: House Calls will be back in April for an all-new season on Discovery Channel. Join Zak Bagans, Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley and Aaron Goodwin as they help families who are struggling with paranormal activity in their own homes.
Investigations begin with Zak reviewing activity and evidence with the families affected; he then calls on his team to conduct a thorough overnight investigation on site. During the overnights, Zak watches over the proceedings from the team headquarters, advising the others when he feels it necessary.
Afterwards, all of the evidence (sound recordings, video recordings and the like) is reviewed and shared with the home owners. At that time, Zak advises the families on how best to deal with the paranormal activity going forward.
Ghost Adventures: House Calls will debut on Discovery Channel on Wednesday, April 3, 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and new episodes will be presented each Wednesday thereafter.
Episode Guide:

April 3:
Fear in Fort Gaines – The Ghost Adventures team visit a home in Fort Gaines, Georgia that is also a haunted attraction. But it’s not fun and games for the owner, whose mother has been attacked by a negative force.
April 10:
Shasta Lake Emergency – The team travels to California to help a family of first responders who are being upset by poltergeist-type activity in their home. Could dabbling in devil worship be the cause of the trouble?
April 17:
Mansfield Meltdown – In this episode, Zak and the team visit Texas to help a couple who may be the victims of a voodoo curse.
April 24:
Horror in Marion – A family in Indiana thinks their house has been invaded by a demonic being. Because the mother’s health is suffering, the team must work quickly to resolve the problem.
May 1:
Auburn Attachment – In Washington, the team helps another family who suspects demonic energy is the source of the activity in their home. A terrifying experience leads them to believe that the daughter may have experimented with Satanism.
May 8:
Terrorized in Tennessee – Zak and the team help a family in Cordova, Tennessee who live in a house with a dark history. That history comes back to haunt them during the overnight investigation.