From season 3 episode 3 recap: 'Mouse Trap' delivers a truly chilling ending

From season 3 episode 1, courtesy of Jessie Redmond/MGM+
From season 3 episode 1, courtesy of Jessie Redmond/MGM+ /

Well, things are always getting worse in the creepy town at the center of From, but at least there's a little bit of hope this week now that Kenny and Jim have discovered that bounty of edible crops. People aren't going to starve, at least not yet.

In the aftermath of his mother's brutal murder, Kenny tries to remain proactive by leading a group into the woods to forage for more food. Jade, Kristi, and several other residents join them for the expedition. Jade starts butting heads with another guy on the trek, causing him to storm off into the forest for a bathroom break. There, he stumbles upon two large boulders that appear to be covered in red paint (or blood?), and then he sees a man with a spike through his eye, pinning his body to the tree, at least, he appears to be dead until he suddenly lunges at Jade.

But the whole thing turns out to be a hallucination. Not that that makes Jade feel any better. If anything, it makes things worse. He becomes determined to get out of there, return to town, and keep working on his various clues. Kristi and Kenny try to stop Jade from leaving since it's late, and they'd be better off spending the night in the safety of the log cabins with their talismans, but Jade won't hear it. He only stops when Kristi gets hurt, chasing after Jade and accidentally stepping directly into a hidden bear trap.

Jade and one of the other villagers are forced to break down some of those creepy effigies placed around the perimeter to get a stick they can use as leverage to get Kristi free. Once they've worked together to free her, the men carry her back to camp. There's a brief moment where Jade sees his hallucination once again, which can't be a good sign.

Bad omens at Colony House

Remember how, in the previous episode, we saw Fatima struggling with her pregnancy, and the only thing that alleviated her unsettled stomach was chowing down on those rotting veggies? It's the same thing in this episode, except this time Tillie catches her eating the crops from the compost pile.

Instead of judging her, Tillie offers Fatima some advice. Pregnancy can do crazy things to a woman's body. During her own pregnancy, Tillie reveals she started craving eggshells for a while, and eventually, it went away. She reassures Fatima that it will pass, in time. Then she offers to do a tarot card reading so that Fatima can get some extra assurance that her baby is okay.

Fatima is offended by the offer, feeling like Tillie is playing games with her, but that's not actually the case. She genuinely believes the reading can help. But their conversation is interrupted when a big black bird (a raven or a crow?) busts through a Colony House window, flies through to the other side, hits the other window, and hits the floor, bloodied and dead.

Tabitha and Henry return to Fromville in a chilling cliffhanger ending

After the discovery in Henry's basement, Tabitha spends the entire night pouring over the paintings and trying to find some hidden answer or clue to learning more about the town where her family is still trapped. She and Henry start talking and she overhears the sound of glass clinking, triggering Henry to mention a bottle tree. Tabitha immediately recalls the bottle tree from Fromville and asks him to show her. It's not the same as the one she went through before.

But then Henry mentions that this tree is only a replica of the real one, which is located a few towns over. Of course, Tabitha immediately requests that he take her there so she can see it for herself. They get in the car and while driving, Tabitha opens Henry's glovebox where she finds a familiar bracelet. The same bracelet she once made for Jim, that got lost and then turned up again at the diner in town. Henry says that his late wife gave him that bracelet. Tabitha loses it. How can this bracelet be here right now?

She starts to think that maybe she's not in the "real world" at all, maybe all of this is just a continuation of Fromville and Henry might even be on it. She freaks out and demands he pull the car over, but Henry is adamant that they keep going. They get into a mini skirmish in the car that ends with them getting into an accident.

When Tabitha comes to, she's in an ambulance being tended to by the paramedics with an unconscious Henry beside her. The ambulance comes to a sudden stop in front of a fallen tree...yep, somehow the ambulance has literally brought Tabitha back to Fromville. Well, at least Henry will get to reunite with Victor now, right?

Boyd is on a new mission

Boyd more or less takes a backseat to the main storylines in this episode, but he does tell his son, Ellis, and Donna that he has a new plan to deal with the monsters. He wants to catch one. Not just catch one to kill it, but genuinely try to force it to talk and give them real information. Ellis and Donna think that's a crazy plan. Boyd disagrees.

With things getting steadily worse, they need to go on the offensive. They need more info to do anything! He even approaches Randall in his bus (and Randall also has a hallucination of a bunch of bugs swarming inside, which also seems like a bad sign along with the bird), and asks if Randall wants to swap accomodations for a bit. He can stay at the sheriff's office and Boyd will take the bus, so he can watch the woods for when those things arrive come nightfall. Randall instead offers to assist Boyd in capturing one.

New episodes of From season 3 air Sunday nights on MGM+ and stream on the app.

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