Lifetime tells a fascinating story with new series The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Gypsy Rose Blanchard has been all over the news lately, thanks to her
Gypsy Rose Blanchard - Image courtesy of the Blanchard Family and Lifetime
Gypsy Rose Blanchard - Image courtesy of the Blanchard Family and Lifetime

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is well-known to nearly every follower of true crime, and her recent release from prison has made headlines. What has made the whole story even more compelling is the new 6-episode docuseries The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

The series features exclusive interviews recorded with Gypsy Rose herself while she was still in prison, sometimes in person, and some by phone. Her family members are also interviewed, and viewers get the inside story of Gypsy’s life with her mother Dee Dee Blanchard, who is suspected to have suffered from Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy.

Dee Dee had always claimed that Gypsy Rose suffered from many diseases and conditions, and that she had the mental capacity of a young child. Among other issues, she said her daughter had leukemia and muscular dystrophy, and she even managed to convince doctors to insert a feeding tube and remove her salivary glands. When Gypsy got a little older, she discovered that she did not really need the wheelchair she was confined to, and eventually found out that her mother was lying about her age, usually claimed that Gypsy was four years younger than her actual age.

As Gypsy got older, Dee Dee had to take measures to keep her under control, even chaining her to her bed. Still, the girl managed to get online access, which is where she met a man named Nick Godejohn. Together, the two planned the murder of Dee Dee, which Nick perpetrated, stabbing the woman 17 times.

Dee Dee’s body was discovered after Gypsy accessed their shared facebook account and posted “That b**ch is dead!” Shortly thereafter, Gypsy and Godejohn were apprehended, and each were sentenced to prison. Gypsy received a prison term of ten years, and Godejohn was sentenced to life plus 25 years.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard 2
Gypsy Rose Blanchard - Image courtesy of the Blanchard Family and Lifetime

The prison interviews with Gypsy are fascinating, and she seems to be entirely honest about her entire story. She cops to hatching the murder plan, and it says a lot that she considered the prison to be “freedom” compared to what she went through while living with her mother. In an interview with ABC News, Gypsy said, “Over here, I feel like I'm freer in prison, than with living with my mom. Because now, I'm allowed to … just live like a normal woman.”

As well-versed as I considered myself to be where the story of Dee Dee’s murder is concerned, Gypsy even gave some details that I had not heard before. I always wondered why she had made that facebook post, and she says she mainly did it so that Dee Dee’s body would be found. Despite everything, she was still her mother, and the thought of her remaining in the house undiscovered any longer had to be difficult.

All things considered, Gypsy’s demeanor is cheerful and positive, even before her parole hearing. She is supported by her family, particularly her father, stepmother and half-sister, so that probably helped her to stay that way. The plan was originally for her to live with them after her release, but that changed when she married Ryan Anderson in a prison ceremony in 2022. The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard includes her disclosure of the marriage, as well as her regret that she did not do anything to stop Godejohn from killing Dee Dee. She understands now that her mother suffered from mental illness, and does not believe she did anything out of evil intentions.

Gypsy Rose’s story has always been fascinating and compelling, and no doubt her new life out of prison will be the same. The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard can be watched on Lifetime or on demand through your cable provider.