Robert Pattison collaborating with Smile director on a Possession (1981) remake

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GO Campaign's Annual Gala 2023 - Arrivals / Alberto E. Rodriguez/GettyImages

Robert Pattinson is stepping into the horror genre in a big way with a proposed remake of the cult classic 1981 film Possession from Polish filmmaker Andrzej Żuławski.

According to an exclusive from The Hollywood Reporter, Pattison is working with Smile and Smile 2 director Parker Finn on the project, which is currently in development, with Finn set to write the script, direct, and produce. Pattinson will also produce, but it's unclear if he will star in the project or not. More details will be revealed once the script is finalized.

Film execs are already eager to get their hands on this buzzy project, with some calling the proposed pitch a very "out there" story with commercial success.

Considering the hype and acclaim received by the recent big studio horror film The First Omen, it's a good sign that execs might be more willing to take a chance on horror movies that take big swings and give them proper financing for higher production values. Funnily enough, two of this year's biggest horror movies, The First Omen and Immaculate, have scenes heavily inspired by Possession.

Multiple studios are currently in a heated bidding war for the rights to this movie, with Netflix, A24, Warner Bros., Sony, and Paramount all interested. As development progresses, additional companies may join the fight. Given their stellar track record with horror movies, A24 seems like the best fit.

The original 1981 film starred Sam Neill and Isabelle Adjani as a married couple. Mark, an international spy, returns from a secret mission to be met by his wife, Anna, who asks him for a divorce, claiming she's found someone else. Not long after her initial request, Anna begins exhibiting very strange and disturbing behavior.

Finn is directing Smile 2, which is currently slated for an October 18, 2024 release date. Pattinson will next star in Bong Joon Ho's highly anticipated next movie, Mickey 17.

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