You'll never see your dog the same way after watching this disturbing Norwegian horror film on Tubi

Puppy play, anyone?
Good Boy Trailer #1 (2023)
Good Boy Trailer #1 (2023) | Rotten Tomatoes Indie

Remember that disturbing Kevin Smith-directed horror film Tusk, in which Justin Long gets forcibly turned into a human-walrus hybrid? Well, this new Norwegian horror film is almost as uncomfortable. Good Boy has generated a lot of conversation across social media, with many horrified TikTok users stumbling across the film and then taking to their socials to revel in their disgust.

Released in 2022 by Scandinavian filmmaker Viljar Bøe, Good Boy has been popping up in more conversations recently now that it is available to stream to a wider audience. It is now available to watch for free on Tubi and Amazon with a Prime Video subscription.

The film takes pleasure in displaying the horrors of the modern dating scene as a woman named Sigrid (Katrine Lovise Øpstad Fredriksen) thinks she's finally found the "one," only to receive a twisted wake-up call.

Sigrid and Christian (Gard Løkke) immediately hit it off, but things take a turn when she meets his pet "dog," who, in reality, is a man dressed like a dog—complete with crawling on all fours, wearing a mask, and donning a leash. Puts a whole new meaning to the term "puppy play." Sigrid attempts to be open-minded to Christian's strange way of life but soon realizes something far more sinister is going on.

For the squeamish, you don't need to worry about copious amounts of bloodshed or gore. Good Boy isn't that type of movie, but the lack of blood doesn't make it any less unsettling. This is one of those films you walk away from with that uncomfortable pit in your stomach, and that's a testament to the film's twisted characters and storyline.

Having seen hundreds of horror films over the years, I've become rather desensitized to a lot of what the genre throws at me, so the fact that Good Boy left me feeling disconcerted long after I finished watching is an achievement in itself.

Like Tusk, Good Boy touts dark humor that just adds to the overall sense of unease. It's a memorable film for sure and ideal for anyone who likes to test their limits with disturbing cinema.

Previously, this was a hard one to find online for English speakers, but now that it's available on Tubi and Prime Video, I'm sure many more will stumble upon it soon, so might as well get ahead of the curve!

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