The grossest horror trilogy ever just got added to Shudder, watch if you dare

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Shudder is the best place to watch horror movies these days seeing as it is a streaming service dedicated solely to the genre. It's AMC's premier service and the best part is, if you have AMC+ already then you also access have to the entire Shudder library! But you might regret that after learning which movies were just added to the catalog...

Yes as of March 12, all three of The Human Centipede movies are currently available to watch on the streaming service. Want to test your limits and see how much gore and disturbing content you can handle? Then these movies might be for you.

For the uninitiated, The Human Centipede is a trilogy of grotesque body horror films from director and writer Tom Six. The overall concept is centered on a psychopathic surgeon dedicated to his life's goal of creating a, well, human centipede, by forcibly connecting victims a**-to-mouth (there's really no nice way of phrasing it). I won't go into more detail than that. I mean if that makes you squeamish and you still want to try your luck with the movies, good luck to you!

To be fair, though, the first movie in the trilogy is the least graphic and most cinematic of the three, so if you want to watch one to satiate your morbid curiosity, you could simply watch the 2010 movie and check out after that. Only the truly brave will push forth and binge the entire series, consisting of the 2011 sequel Full Sequence and the third movie Final Sequence from 2015.

The first film in the franchise is really just about the sheer shock value of its character Dr. Josef Heiter and his depraved, torturous experiments, but then Six pushes the envelope even further. Because how do you take a movie with a concept like that and make it even scarier and more twisted?

Subsequent movies included much longer "centipedes," with even more victims, up to 500 in the third movie and plenty of other horrific content including body mutilation alongside countless other sequences of torture and violence.

Be warned: The Human Centipedes are seriously stomach-churning. Even reading the Wikipedia plots might be enough to make you lose your lunch if you're especially sensitive. These movies are not for the faint of heart, but more so for people looking to push their boundaries and seek out the most disturbing movies they can find, stuff like this, A Serbian Film, and The Girl Next Door. If that's what you're looking for, then by all means check out the complete trilogy right now on Shudder.