The Walking Dead Graveyard: Season 3 Character Deaths

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Name: Tomas

Episode Introduced: Seed (Season 3, Episode 1)

Episode Died: Sick (Season 3, Episode 2)

Last Words: “It was coming at me, bro.”

Though Tomas and the inmates are working with Rick’s group to clear the zombies from the prison, it quickly becomes clear they cannot coexist. Tomas sees a chance to take out Rick during a scuffle by shoving a walker in his direction. Fortunately for Rick, he avoids getting bitten, and when the room is clear, he confronts Tomas.

Though Tomas tries to brush it of as an accident, Rick isn’t buying it. He clearly saw what happened and knows that Tomas just tried to kill him. “Shit happens,” Rick casually says, having a stare down with Tomas. After a few tense moments, Rick slams a machete down straight into Tomas’ forehead, killing him.

Rick didn’t need to struggle with killing Tomas the way he need to with Shane, showing how far he’s come along between the two seasons.